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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

Untimely Passing of Israel Gutter
Untimely Passing of Israel Gutter
Sunday, December 26, 2021
We regret to announce the untimely passing of our dear friend, Israel Gutter. Israel Gutter has been an acclaimed teacher at the Faculty of Computer Sciences for over 16 years. He taught the fundamental courses offered in the faculty, demonstrating extraordinary teaching skills, dedication to his students, meticulous style, and a deep sense of commitment. The Faculty of Computer Sciences was a second home to Israel, who taught basic courses to large groups of students. He dedicated …
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CS 10th Research Day, 2021
CS 10th Research Day, 2021
Wednesday, December 22, 2021
The CS Department held its tenth Research Day on Wednesday, December 15, 2021 which exhibited 17 of the finest researches carried out by our excellent M.Sc. and Ph.D. students before multitude of guests from the Technion and the industry. The festive event lasted more more than 3 hours during which the presenters repeatedly demonstrated their research to highly intrigued audience and both visitors and young researchers were greatly enthusiastic and an official judging …
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CS Students Developed an Application for the "Madrasa" Project
CS Students Developed an Application for the "Madrasa" Project
Monday, December 20, 2021
The Technion December 19, 2021 The International Day of the Arabic Language at the United Nations is celebrated every year on 18 December, the day on which a decision was taken by the UN General Assembly to make Arabic one of the official and working languages ​​of the United Nations. Students from the Taub Faculty of Computer Science at the Technion recently developed a special app for the "Madrasa" project that will help Arabic learners. The app also …
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Zilag Prize to Sarai Sheinvald
Zilag Prize to Sarai Sheinvald
Thursday, December 9, 2021
Congratulations to the Sarai Sheinvald  for receiving the Zilg Prize, which is awarded in appreciation to adjunct faculty for their contribution and cultivation of the future generation of scientists and engineers, for their dedication to teaching and to the students and for their willingness to initiate and invest in promoting teaching and learning quality. Well done and many more fruitful and successful work to Saray!
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The key to Solving Burden on Health System, according to Dr. Kira Radinsky
The key to Solving Burden on Health System, according to Dr. Kira Radinsky
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Maariv November 29, 2021 The key to solving the burden on the healthcare system, according to Dr. Kira Radinsky, is in the patients' initial screening, which is exactly what the start-up company she co-founded with its two partners - Diagnostics Robotics 4 years ago  does,and which will be presented alongside dozens of new developments The annual ICI for Innovation in Invasive Cardiology, to be held between December 5-7, 2021 inTel Aviv. An interview with the woman who began …
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Dell Technologies Scholarship Program
Dell Technologies Scholarship Program
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Dell Technologies offers a scholarship program that aims to provide students with tuition funding, to be exposed to the high-tech industry and to deepen their knowledge of the world of industry and employment. The scholarship is NIS 6,000 and will be given to applicants who meet the requirements that appear in the attached document (Heb). Deadline for applications: November 30, 2021. Good Luck!
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Google Scholarships 2022-2023
Google Scholarships 2022-2023
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Google Women Techmakers Scholars Program (formerly Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship) - Europe, the Middle East, and Africa  - proposes female students enrolled in a Bachelor’s, Master’s or Ph.D. to apply to the program of 2022/2023. The application deadline is December 10th, 2021. Each scholar selected will receive a EUR 7,000 scholarship and finalists will be invited to visit Google’s Engineering Centre in Zurich for a networking retreat. More details and information …
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eBay Israel Appoints Technion CS Graduate Amir Di-Nur as new General Manager
eBay Israel Appoints Technion CS Graduate Amir Di-Nur as new General Manager
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
Calcalistech November 9, 2021 Di-Nur holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from the Technion and has, in previous roles, managed and developed entire AI development teams to help bring products and production at a large scale. He will be replacing Ishai Froind, who has been General Manager since 2020. Full Article
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Henry Taub Prize 2021
Henry Taub Prize 2021
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
Congratulations to Prof. Dr. Ron Rothblum, Dr. Ori Rottenstreich and Prof. Schwartz Roy on winning the Henry Taub Prize for Academic Excellence for 2021. This Technion prestigious prize is awarded for substantial and unique achievements in research at the Technion. The award ceremony took place on Tuesday, November 9, 2021. Congrats to Ron, Ori and Roy!
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CS Excellent Teaching in Spring Semester 2021
CS Excellent Teaching in Spring Semester 2021
Sunday, November 7, 2021
CS congratulates its Excellent Teachers n Spring Semester 2021: Special Distinction in Teaching: Prof. Erez Petrank in the course Data Structures 1 Prof. Ron Rothblum in the course Cryptology Citation in Teaching: Prof. Michael Elad in the course Numerical AlgorithmsProf. Nir Rosenfeld in the course Introduction to Machine Learning Dr. Tal Mizrahi in the course Introduction to Computer Networks Dr. Gabi Nakiblyi n the course Network Security Dr. Sarai Sheinvald in the course …
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PH-CPF: Planar Hexagonal Meshing using Coordinate Power Fields Developed at Technion CS
PH-CPF: Planar Hexagonal Meshing using Coordinate Power Fields Developed at Technion CS
Wednesday, November 3, 2021
ACM Transactions on Graphics July 19, 2021 A new algorithm for streamlining and automating the finding of shapes was developed at developed at the Technion Henry and Marilyn Taub CS Faculty - a new approach for computing planar hexagonal meshes that approximate a given surface, represented as a triangle mesh. Our method is based on two novel technical contributions. Full Article
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Best Student Paper Award at ICCV 2021 to Theo Adrai and Guy Ohayon
Best Student Paper Award at ICCV 2021 to Theo Adrai and Guy Ohayon
Wednesday, November 3, 2021
Congrationlations to CS Students from GIP Lab Theo Adrai and Guy Ohayon under the supervision of Gregory Vaksman and Michael Elad, on winning the Best Student Paper Award at the ICCV 2021 for their paper: "High Perceptual Quality Image Denoising with a Posterior Sampling CGAN". Well done Theo, Guy Gregory and Michael!
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Best Paper Award at the FMCAD21 to Yakir Vizel
Best Paper Award at the FMCAD21 to Yakir Vizel
Thursday, October 28, 2021
Congratulations to Prof. Yakir Vizel on winning the Best Paper Award at the FMCAD21 conference for his paper IC3 with Internal Signals (together with Prof. Arie Gurfinkel of Waterloo University and with Dr. Alexander Ivrii and Dr. Rohit Dureja of IBM), which deals with the algorithm for automatic validation of electrical circuits. Well done Yakir!
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CS Orientation Day 2021-22
CS Orientation Day 2021-22
Sunday, October 24, 2021
CS 2021-22 Orientation Day for new students was held live for the first since winter 2019 on Thursday, October 21, 2021, and began with a Technion meeting at the Kellner Amphitheater where the Senior Vice President, the Dean for Undergraduate Studies and the Students Dean and Chairman of the Technion Student Association spoke to the new students, to be followed by a gathering at the Computer Science Taub Building, and a meeting at the Taub 1 Auditorium which included tours, receiving a …
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Dr. Sarah Keren Joins CS
Dr. Sarah Keren Joins CS
Sunday, October 10, 2021
Congratulations to Dr. Sarah Keren who joined the Faculty of Computer Science at the Technion. Its main areas of research are artificial intelligence with an emphasis on efficient design of multi-agent AI systems and multi-robot systems. Sarah completed a master's and doctoral degree in information management engineering at the Technion, under the supervision of Prof. Avigdor Gal and Prof. Erez Karpas, and was a postdoctoral fellow at the School of Engineering and Applied Science at …
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Dr. Oren Salzman and UNC Researchers Develop Algorithm for Automated Surgery
Dr. Oren Salzman and UNC Researchers Develop Algorithm for Automated Surgery
Sunday, October 10, 2021
The Jerusalem Post October 8, 2021 Dr. Oren Salzman of Technion CS and Prof. Ron Alterovitz and Mengyu Fu of UNC developed an algorithm to safely steer surgical needles along computer-mapped trajectories. Full Article Med News The Jewish Press The birth of Modern Man Conservative Aangle Worldakkam  
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Prof. Yoav Etsion is one of the Founders of Speedata, which was Revealed with $ 70 Million Funding
Prof. Yoav Etsion is one of the Founders of Speedata, which was Revealed with $ 70 Million Funding
Thursday, September 30, 2021
TheMarker September 2021 Speedata, founded by a group of entrepreneurs including researchers from the Technion, has developed a processor to accelerate data analysis tasks on server farms. Full Article
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Kira Radinsky: "The person who will live 200 years has already been born"
Kira Radinsky: "The person who will live 200 years has already been born"
Wednesday, September 15, 2021
Ynet + September 15, 2021 In a conversation with Raanan Shaked, Kira explains how the artificial intelligence start-up she leads can warn of epidemics before they break out, what it is like to know your husband at the age of eight, and why all the big changes in Israel will come by one lunatic who will succeed. Full article
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Kira Radinsky in a Personal Talk with Geula Even
Kira Radinsky in a Personal Talk with Geula Even
Wednesday, September 1, 2021
Kan Podcast August 2021 Is it possible to predict an outbreak of epidemics (say, corona), coups, or genocide? Are human and mental nature taken into account, how can the results be played out and how far can one go in the field. A personal conversation about artificial intelligence. Full Article (Heb)
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Huge Exit to Epsagon, Founded by CS Graduate Nitzan Shapira
Huge Exit to Epsagon, Founded by CS Graduate Nitzan Shapira
Thursday, August 19, 2021
Calcalist August 13, 2021 Exit to Epsagon, established in 2018 by CS graduate Nitzan Shapira (33) and Ran Ribenzaft (30), The company employs only about 60 employees, of which about 35 in Israel, and the rest at headquarters in New York. Epsagon serves hundreds of customers, including giant companies such as Deloitte and Toyota, as well as technology companies such as the Israeli Via. In the past year, the company has tripled its workforce: Cisco is acquiring the Israeli start-up …
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Technion Excellent Manager to Revi Ginossar
Technion Excellent Manager to Revi Ginossar
Thursday, August 19, 2021
Congratulations to CS Head of Administration, Revi Ginossar, on winning this year the "Technion Outstanding Manager Award", which is awarded in recognition of managers who excel in their position and work and are an example and role model for the whole organization. A certificate of appreciation will be awarded by the Technion President and CEO on a ceremony which will be held in October 2021. Well done Revi and keep up the good work!
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Prof. Assaf Schuster, One of World Artificial Intelligence Research Leaders
Prof. Assaf Schuster, One of World Artificial Intelligence Research Leaders
Monday, August 2, 2021
The Marker August 1, 2021 In recent years, the Technion has been conducting in-depth and extensive activity in AI in a variety of fields. From this activity, which placed the Technion at the top of the universities in the world, MLIS (Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems) was established at the Technion. Currently, 46 researchers at the Technion work in the core areas of AI and more than 100 researchers work in areas related to AI: health and medicine, autonomous …
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The Weizmann Prize for Exact Sciences to Prof. Michael Elad
The Weizmann Prize for Exact Sciences to Prof. Michael Elad
Wednesday, July 28, 2021
The Technion July 26, 2021 Prof. Michael  Elad from the Taub Faculty of Computer Science won the Weizmann Tel Aviv-Yafo Municipality Award for research in exact sciences. The award, on behalf of the Tel Aviv-Yafo Municipality, was given to him for his work in the field of the sparse representation model for signal processing. Full Article (Heb)
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Silver Medal to CS Student at the International Olympiad in Informatics
Silver Medal to CS Student at the International Olympiad in Informatics
Sunday, July 25, 2021
Madaney Heatid June 2021 Gonen Gazit (2nd on right), a CS undergraduate student and a member of the Israeli team at the International Computer Science Olympiad, won a silver medal in an online competition held in June this year, led by Singapore and with 351 participants from 88 countries. The Olympics lasted two days, and each day the team members were given three tasks of an algorithmic nature which required creative thinking and competitive programming abilities. The …
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Assaf Rappaport, CS Graduate and an Entrepreneur and Director, in the "The State of the Unicorn" Project
Assaf Rappaport, CS Graduate and an Entrepreneur and Director, in the "The State of the Unicorn" Project
Monday, July 19, 2021
Channel 12 July 18, 2021 CS graduate Assaf Rappaport, an entrepreneur and director in data security, was interviewed and filmed in the first episode of a special project "The State of the Unicorns" in the evening news main edition on Channel 12. Assaf founded Wiz, which raised $ 100 million in December 2020, and was one of the founders of the cyber company Beyond. Prior to that, he was the CEO of Microsoft Israel Research and Development and the Director of Microsoft's Cloud …
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Matter of Perspective Course - First Collaboration between Computer Science and Architecture
Matter of Perspective Course - First Collaboration between Computer Science and Architecture
Wednesday, July 14, 2021
A projects presentation in The Matter of Perspective course was held on Monday, July 12, 2021, at the Taub lobby. This is a unique and first course shared by the Faculty of Computer Science and the Faculty of Architecture in which students work in mixed groups in order to produce a physical product in digital production technologies, using a geometric algorithm implementation. The course is conducted by Prof. Gershon Elber and Prof. Miri Ben-Chen (Faculty of Computer Science), Yoav Sterman …
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CS and Biomedical Engineering Research in AI-based Tools for Medicine
CS and Biomedical Engineering Research in AI-based Tools for Medicine
Wednesday, July 14, 2021
In recent years, meteoric progress has been made in the world of deep learning, but at the present time, there are virtually no medical products on the shelf that use this technology. Consequently, doctors continue to employ the same tools used in previous decades. To find a solution to this problem, the research group of Professor Yael Yaniv of the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering joined forces with the research groups of Professors Alex Bronstein and Assaf Schuster of the …
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MLIS - The Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems Research Center, Led by Prof. Assaf Schuster and Prof. Shie Mannor
MLIS - The Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems Research Center, Led by Prof. Assaf Schuster and Prof. Shie Mannor
Thursday, July 8, 2021
The Technion July 7, 2021 Over the years, the Technion has established itself as a leading academic institution in AI. It is currently ranked 15th in the world, with 100 faculty members engaged in areas across the AI spectrum. One of the innovations that is part of the framework of the Technion’s AI prowess is the Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems (MLIS) research center, which aggregates all AI-related activities, led by AI researchers co-direct MLIS: Professor Shie …
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CS Programming Competition 2021
CS Programming Competition 2021
Thursday, July 8, 2021
The traditional CS programming competition was held for the 16th time in a row on Friday, July 2, 2021, sponsored by Google and Microsoft. Nineteen teams received 12 different problems taken from different areas in mathematics and computer science and wrote solutions as follows: Internal teams: 1st place (10 problems) - Team "No Names": Gonen Gazit, Orian Leitersdorf, Amani Shhadi 2nd place (5 problems) - Team "CAO": Orel Yaish, Chen Peretz, Almog …
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CS 2020-21 Graduation Ceremony
CS 2020-21 Graduation Ceremony
Friday, July 2, 2021
On Thursday, July 1st, 2021, the Computer Science Department celebrated the graduation of 394 students. Dean Prof. Dan Geiger, and Vice Dean for Undergraduate Studies, Prof. Benny Kimelfeld spoke in the presence of as many as 2 thousands (!) guests, friends and family members who fully packed the colorful illuminated tennis court at the Technion Sport Center. Tal Alon spoke on behalf of the graduates and a musical moment was conducted by CS student band, and two …
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Dean and President Execellence Ceremony 2021
Dean and President Execellence Ceremony 2021
Thursday, July 1, 2021
The spring semester 2020 and winter semester 2020-21 CS President and Dean Excellent students were awarded in a ceremony held at the Technion Sport Center, for the first time in a live event since summer 2019, on Wednesday, June 30, 2021. The event hosted family members and guests of 55 President excellent students in 2020 spring semester and 181 Dean excellent students in winter semester 2020-21. Dean Prof. Dan Geiger …
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CS Excellent Students (SAMBA) Ceremony 2020-21
CS Excellent Students (SAMBA) Ceremony 2020-21
Thursday, July 1, 2021
On Wednesday, June 30, 2021 CS held a Fellowships and Diploma Ceremony for Excellent Students in The Technion Henry and Marilyn Taub Computer Science (SAMBA)Faculty, in honor of the donating families, the winning students and their guests. Prof. Eitan Yaakobi hosted the event and congratulated the winning students on their achievements and Dean Prof. Dan Geiger congratulated and granted the diplomas. Mr. Israel Abramovich, Ms. Nurit Lavi and Mr. Eitan Shevet spoke on behalf of the …
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Project Fair in IoT, Software, Android Apps, AI, Cyber, Computer Security, and Networks CS Labs
Project Fair in IoT, Software, Android Apps, AI, Cyber, Computer Security, and Networks CS Labs
Monday, June 28, 2021
CS labs: Systems and Software Development Laboratory (SSDL), Cyber and Computer Security Laboratory (CYBER), The Laboratory for Computer Communication and Networking (LCCN) held their Spring Project Fair in  IoT, Software, Android Apps, AI, Cyber, Computer Security, and Networks, in a live event for the first time since spring 2019, on Tuesday, June 29, 2021, at the CS Taub Loby Hall and as always was a huge success, with lots of visitors who who got to watch 40 inspiring and …
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Zuckerman Foundation Scholarship for Post-doctoral Students to Hadar Frenkel
Zuckerman Foundation Scholarship for Post-doctoral Students to Hadar Frenkel
Monday, June 28, 2021
Hadar Frenkel, CS Ph.D. student towards graduating, has won a scholarship by the Zuckerman Foundation for Post-doctoral abroad awarded to outstanding students and scientists, and her research interests are Formal verification of systems over infinite values ​​- for example communication and information security protocols; Final modeling of systems over infinite value domains, and proposing efficient algorithms for validating and repairing such systems. Congratulations to Hadar and …
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2020-21 Winter Semester CS Excellent Teaching Assistants
2020-21 Winter Semester CS Excellent Teaching Assistants
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
The Henry and Marilyn Taub Faculty of Computer Science congratulates the winners of the Excellent TA awards for 2020-21 Winter Semester: Persistent Excellent TA: Itai Evron Omer Rappoport Faculty Persistent Excellent TA: Shunit Agmon Ido Rafael: Gal Sheffi Guy Shapira Faculty Excellent TA: Daniella Bar Lev Ido Galil Sapir Gershov Idan Raz Congratulations to all the winners!
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Winners of the 2021 Project Competition
Winners of the 2021 Project Competition
Thursday, June 17, 2021
The final stage of the computer science project competition, courtesy of Amdocs, was held on Wednesday, June 16, 2021, in a live event for the first time since winter 2020 at the Taub Lobby, where the CS laboratories presented the best projects performed in the past year, with the participation of exhibitors, Amdocs representative Eyal Felstaine, CS graduate and Amdocs CTO who joined the jury teams, and a large audience who were impressed by the posters and scholarly …
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CS Magister Graduation Ceremony, 2021
CS Magister Graduation Ceremony, 2021
Tuesday, June 15, 2021
The Faculty of Computer Science celebrated the graduation of 51 Magister Students in a ceremony which was held on Monday, June 14, 2021, in a live event for the first time since summer 2019. CS Dean, Prof. Dan Geiger, tVice Dean for Graduate Studies, Prof. Prof. Gil Barequet, and the alumni representative Inbar Kaslasi, spoke to the graduates and their families who participated in the ceremony from far, and also watched a video in "Pardon me for the Question" style …
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CS President and Dean Excellent Students of Winter Semester 2020-21 (Heb)
CS President and Dean Excellent Students of Winter Semester 2020-21 (Heb)
Sunday, June 13, 2021
President Excellent Students of Winter Semester 2020-21: אדם אביגיל איוונוב ניקיטה אלון אסף אליאס נדב אליאס סיואר אלפסי איתי בבין אנדריי בדיחי הוד בוריסוב נתן ביגדרי שני בלנק שון סמיון בנימין עידו בקל ליאור ברסקי מקסים גרוניך איתן דוידסון יאיר הכהן שי הכט כרמל הראל גיא הרוש …
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2020 Spring Semester CS Excellent Teaching Assistants
2020 Spring Semester CS Excellent Teaching Assistants
Sunday, June 6, 2021
The Henry and Marilyn Taub Faculty of Computer Science congratulates the winners of the Excellent TA awards for 2020 Spring Semester: Persistent Excellent TA: Guy Barshatski Omer Rappoport Alon Reshef Idan Yaniv Faculty Persistent Excellent TA: Itai Evron Faculty Excellent TA: Mohammad Agbarya Shunit Agmon Tal Daniel Yuri Feldman Roje Hayek Ido Rafael Hadar Sivan Guy Shapira Congratulations to all the winners!
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CS Graduate Wagde Zabit in an interview with Calcalist on his track in the High-tech and Entrepreneurship Industry
CS Graduate Wagde Zabit in an interview with Calcalist on his track in the High-tech and Entrepreneurship Industry
Wednesday, June 2, 2021
Calcalist June 2, 2021 Wagde Zabit completed his software engineering studies at the Faculty of Computer Science at the Technion, worked for a high-tech company for 13 years, and two years ago founded Orca Security with seven other partners. "It was cool to meet in the founders' houses and work, to start something from scratch. Everyone's high-tech dream is to start a company and succeed. Luckily it worked." Full Article
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Alon Felowship to Dr. Yaniv Romano
Alon Felowship to Dr. Yaniv Romano
Wednesday, June 2, 2021
Congratulations to Dr. Yaniv Romano on receiving the prestigious Alon Fellowship for Outstanding Young Researchers. Yaniv has joined CS faculty this year and his research topics are Data science and machine learning; reproducibility, reliability, and fairness in modern machine learning; data-driven inference; deep neural representations; computational imaging. All the best in the future research!
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Exit to Sedona Company, Founded by CS Graduate Dr. Uri Gerstel
Exit to Sedona Company, Founded by CS Graduate Dr. Uri Gerstel
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
Ynet May 11, 2021 Sedona Company, founded by Technion CS graduate Dr. Uri Gerstel (supervised by Prof. Shmuel Zaks) and his partner, was acquired by Cisco for $ 100 million. Full Article (Heb) Calcalist (Heb) Globes
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CS Ph.D. Graduation Ceremony, 2021
CS Ph.D. Graduation Ceremony, 2021
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
The Technion Ph.D. Students Graduation Ceremony, 2021 was held on Monday evening, May 24, 2021 at the Technion amphitheatre. Prof. Uri Sivan, Technion President and Prof. Dan Givoli, Head of Technion Graduate Studies School spoke in front of a huge audience in a live event for first the time since summer 2019. This year 199 Technion graduates in 2020-2021 received their Ph.D. diplomas, among them 9 Computer Science graduates:     Leon …
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Best Project Contest 2021
Best Project Contest 2021
Sunday, May 23, 2021
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ASPLOS 2021 Best Paper Award
ASPLOS 2021 Best Paper Award
Thursday, April 29, 2021
Congratulations to Boris Pismani, Ph.D. student supervised by Prof. Dan Tsafrir, winner of the Distinguished Paper Award at the prestigious ASPLOS 2021 conference for his paper Autonomous NIC Offloads, co-authored with Haggai Eran (Technion EE Ph.D student), Aviad Yehezkel and Dr. Liran Liss (NVIDIA), Adam Morrison (Tel-Aviv University, co-supervisor), and Prof. Dan Tsafrir, Congratulations to all!
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CS M.Sc. Student Lina Maudlej: "Volunteering helps with studies - and vice versa"
CS M.Sc. Student Lina Maudlej: "Volunteering helps with studies - and vice versa"
Monday, April 19, 2021
The Technion April 21, 2021 Lina Maudlej, who is studying for a master's degree in computer engineering [in the Technion CS], won the MALAG Award for Social Involvement in the Community. Full Article
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CS Graduate Johny Srouji -  One of The Most Senior Israelis in the World of Technology
CS Graduate Johny Srouji - One of The Most Senior Israelis in the World of Technology
Monday, April 19, 2021
Ynet April 14, 2021 Apple: Johny Srouji - Johny Srouji, a graduate of the [CS] Technion, born in Haifa, serves as senior vice president of hardware technology at Apple and is considered part of CEO Tim Cook's limited hive. After years of working at IBM and Intel, was recruited in 2008 by the iPhone producer to lead the company's efforts in the field of chips. Full Article
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CS Excellent Teaching in Winter Semester 2020-21
CS Excellent Teaching in Winter Semester 2020-21
Monday, April 19, 2021
CS congratulates its Excellent Teachers in teaching on in in Winter Semester 2020-21 Prof. Eitan Yaakovi - Excellence in teaching a course in Coding and Algorithms for Memories Prof. Miri Ben-Chen - Commendation for teaching in the Computer Graphics course 1 Dr. Sarai Sheinvald - Commendation for teaching an Introduction to set theory and automata for CS Prof. Keren Censor-Hillel - Commendation for teaching a Logic for CS course Prof. Michael Elad - Commendation in teaching …
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CS Graduate Prof. Avi Wigderson Wins Abel Prize for Work That Bridged Math and Computer Science
CS Graduate Prof. Avi Wigderson Wins Abel Prize for Work That Bridged Math and Computer Science
Sunday, March 21, 2021
The New York Times March 17, 2021 Avi Wigderson [Technion CS graduate] and László Lovász will share the annual prize that aims to be something like the Nobel for mathematics. Full Artticle The Technion
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Blavatnik Prize to Michal Friedman
Blavatnik Prize to Michal Friedman
Sunday, March 21, 2021
CS congratulates Ph.D. student Michal Friedman (under supervision of prof. Erez Petrank), on the occasion of winning the Blavatnik Prize for Outstanding Israeli Doctoral Students in Computer Science for 2021, for a particularly outstanding excellence! Well done Michal!
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CS Students Win honorable places in CG:SHOP 2021 Contest
CS Students Win honorable places in CG:SHOP 2021 Contest
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
Congratulations to CS students Gil Ben-Shachar (project supervisor), Yonatan Sommer, Jonathan Josef, Tomer Cohen, and Matan Mamistvalov, who came in honorable places in the NP-Complete Problem Solving Competition at the SoCG’21 Conference - the world's leading conference on computational geometry. The contest had two categories, and each had two tracks: A general track and a track for teams that included only students and no faculty members. The team of Yonatan and Jonathan …
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CS Winners of Excellence Prizes and Scholarships
CS Winners of Excellence Prizes and Scholarships
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
CS congratulates its students: Ph.D. students, winners of the The Shimon Even ז"ל Award  for Excellence Publications (through the Friends of the Technion Association): Ariel Kulik, under the supervision of Prof. Hadas Shachnai, for his paper: Submodular Maximization with Assignment Constraints and Parameterized. Approximations.. Ori Roth, under the supervision of Prof. Yossi Gil, for his paper: A systematic Study of Language Expressive Power of …
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Francisco Partners Acquires Israeli MyHeritage, Established by CS Graduate Gilad Yefet
Francisco Partners Acquires Israeli MyHeritage, Established by CS Graduate Gilad Yefet
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Calcalist February 24, 2021 The Israeli company, which was established in 2003, specializes in discovering family history. Since its inception, it has raised $ 49 million in five rounds of funding. Founder and CEO Gilad Yefet [Technion CS Graduate] told Calcalist: "After 17 years, it's time to exit." Full Article
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New Member in the The National Academy of Engineering (NAE)
New Member in the The National Academy of Engineering (NAE)
Wednesday, February 24, 2021
The Technion February 22, 2021 The American National Academy of Engineering (NAE) announced this month the admission of 106 new members and 23 international (non-American) members, including a graduate of the Taub Faculty of Computer Science at the Technion Dr. Yoelle Maarek, Vice President of Research and Science at Alexa Shopping At Amazon Global. Full Article
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Prime Minister Award to Dr. Yaniv Romano
Prime Minister Award to Dr. Yaniv Romano
Wednesday, February 24, 2021
CS congratulates Dr. Yaniv Romano on winning the Prime Minister Award for 2020, which is given to leading researchers in the field of smart transportation including car energy, advanced computing, cyber, image processing, artificial intelligence, big data and other areas that promote the field of smart transportation. Well done Yaniv!
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CS Winners of Jacobs Excellence Scholarships
CS Winners of Jacobs Excellence Scholarships
Sunday, February 21, 2021
The Faculty of Computer Science congratulates its students who have won the Jacobs Scholarships for the year 2021: Lev Yohananov, PHD student, under the supervision of Prof. Eitan Yaakobi, winner of the Jacobs-Qualcomm Scholarship (second time in a row!), for excellence in research and studies. Dean Leitersdorf, MSC student, supervised by Prof. Keren Censor-Hillel, winner the Jacobs Prize for Outstanding Article on Innovative Development for Rapid Doubling of Matrices in …
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CS Prof. Mirella (Miri) Ben-Chen is One of over 40 Technion Graduates Family
CS Prof. Mirella (Miri) Ben-Chen is One of over 40 Technion Graduates Family
Wednesday, February 10, 2021
Ynet February 2. 2021 On the occasion of Family Day starting today (Tu Bishvat), the Technion alumni organization announced the competition to search for the "Technion Family". Families of Technion graduates who have more than ten graduates at the academic institution in Haifa were invited to the competition. The first place was won by the Buchnik-Buchnik tribe, one family (with several names), which currently numbers more than 40 Technion graduates, including two …
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CS Graduate and Faculty Kira Radinsky is Considered One of the Brightest Minds in the World
CS Graduate and Faculty Kira Radinsky is Considered One of the Brightest Minds in the World
Tuesday, February 9, 2021
Channel 13 News February 5. 2021 She is considered one of the brightest minds in the world, she made an exit of tens of millions of dollars, helped the defense establishment thwart terrorist attacks and developed a scientific model that predicts the future. This week we met thirty-five-year-old Kira Radinsky, who is planning to change the world and is now attacking the next target - eradicating the corona virus. Is the answer to the epidemic hidden in its laboratory in the …
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Planning and Budgeting Committee Scholarship to Antonio Abu Nassar and to Bahjat Kawar
Planning and Budgeting Committee Scholarship to Antonio Abu Nassar and to Bahjat Kawar
Tuesday, February 9, 2021
CS congratulates its Magister students Abu Nassar and Bahjat Kawar on winning a scholarship by the Planning and Budgeting Committee of the Council for Higher Education, for their studies outstanding achievements. Well done and keep up the good work!
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Researchers at the Technion have developed a new approach to the selective elimination of cancer cells
Researchers at the Technion have developed a new approach to the selective elimination of cancer cells
Thursday, February 4, 2021
The Technion February 4, 2021 The research group of Prof. Tomer Shlomi from the Faculty of Computer Science, the Faculty of Biology and the Lokey Interdisciplinary Center for Life Sciences & Engineering at the Technion discovered such a process - a process on the basis of which cancer cells can be selectively and specifically damaged without damaging healthy tissue. The findings were published in the journal Cell Metabolism. Full Article
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Milner Young Researcher Award to Eran Yahav
Milner Young Researcher Award to Eran Yahav
Thursday, January 28, 2021
CS congratulates Eran Yahav on winning the prestigious Milner Young Researcher Award for his research contributions in the field of programming languages. Congratulations!
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Social Excellence Award for Establishing  Unique Mentoring Project
Social Excellence Award for Establishing Unique Mentoring Project
Tuesday, January 26, 2021
CS congratulates Tal Haklai, an outstanding student and active member of the Student Committee, on the establishment, with the support of the committee, of an apprenticeship system that accompanies new students and provides them with academic assistance. More than 200 new students and 170 mentors were soon enrolled in the project. The tutors are students and graduates of the Faculty of Computer Science who provide the help on a full-time basis. She managed the advertising, the …
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CS Winners of Jacobs-Gutwirth Scholarships and Certificates of Excellence:
CS Winners of Jacobs-Gutwirth Scholarships and Certificates of Excellence:
Sunday, January 24, 2021
CS congratulates its students - winners of Jacobs-Gutwirth scholarships and certificates of excellence: Ph.D. student Gali Sheffi, supervised by Prof. Erez Paternak, winner of the Jacobs-Gutwirth Scholarship for her research in improving efficiency and ensuring the correctness of parallel algorithms Ph.D. student Ariel Kulik, supervised by Prof. Hadas Shachnai, winner of the Jacobs-Gutwirth Scholarship for his research in parameterized approximation algorithms and polynomial …
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Smart Vision in Agriculture
Smart Vision in Agriculture
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
The Technion January 19, 2021 Researchers from the Taub's Faculty of Computer Science at the Technion have developed computer vision technology that combines deep learning to predict stress in agricultural crops. Full article
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Fine Prizes to Ph.D. Students
Fine Prizes to Ph.D. Students
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
Congratulations to Ph.D. students Michal Edelstein, under the supervision of Prof. Mirlla Ben-Chen on winning the Fine Excellence Scholarship for her research on algorithms for processing three-dimensional geometry for production purposes, and to Daniella Bar-Lev, under the supervision of Prof. Tovi Etzion and Prof. Eitan Yaakobi, on winning the Fine Excellence Certificate for her research on the comprehensive characterization of the Deletion Channel and removal errors in …
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CS President and Dean Excellent Students of Semesters Winter and Spring 2019-20 (Heb)
Tuesday, January 12, 2021
CS President and Dean Excellent Students of Semesters Winter and Spring 2019-20 (Heb) נדב אליאס רוני אשכנזי אלעד בדיחי דוד בן סעיד בעז בן-דב ליאור בקל סער בר-עוז אמיל בראל איל ברק רוני ברקן בן גבאי יובל גולדברג ויקטוריה גולדין גל גולדשטיין ברק גור מיקול גורליק תומר גלעדי שי גנדלמן יאיר דוידסון רועי …
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CS Founder Prof. Avraham Ginzburg Passed Away
CS Founder Prof. Avraham Ginzburg Passed Away
Sunday, January 3, 2021
Prof. Avraham Ginzburg, the founder of the faculty, passed away this week. Prof. Ginzburg led the establishment of the Department of Computer Science at the Technion and is one of the pioneers anqd thinkers who turned the idea of ​​establishing a science department into a new and exciting field and into a spectacular and groundbreaking reality. This is how Ginzburg described the seeds planted in him: "On a sabbatical year in 1965 I came to Carnegie-Mellon …
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