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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

Registration for the Intel Technological Resilience Scholarship Program has opened!
Sunday, December 31, 2023
Registration for Intel's technological resilience scholarship program has opened! Now is your chance to take part in volunteering and win a scholarship that will allow you to study and excel with peace of mind. You can win a scholarship of 6,000 NIS in exchange for volunteering in the community (about fifteen hours). We would be happy to hear what your contribution is to the strengthening of Israeli society and the strengthening of the mutual guarantee (For example - contribution to the …
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Baking For The Soldiers
Baking For The Soldiers
Thursday, December 28, 2023
The Faculty Staff Baked Cakes For The Soldiers
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Dr. Gala Yadgar and Dr. Nir Rosenfeld - winning the Taub Prize
Dr. Gala Yadgar and Dr. Nir Rosenfeld - winning the Taub Prize
Monday, November 27, 2023
Warm congratulations to Dr. Gala Yadgar and Dr. Nir Rosenfeld for winning the 2023 Henry Taub Prize for Academic Excellence - The Henry Taub Prize for Academic Excellence. The Henry Taub Award for Academic Excellence is awarded to faculty members in the Faculty of Computer Science for exceptional excellence in research. Well done and keep up the excellent research!
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The startup founded by a group of Technion students will help Israel in the advocacy arena
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
Ynet November 9, 2023 Against the background of the ongoing war, a significant portion of Israeli students were drafted into the reserves and thousands of students volunteered in a variety of fields. A new initiative by a group of students from the Technion is designed to help Israel's advocacy efforts in the world. The members of the group are Zac Bamberger, Shani Goren and Ido Amit from the Taub Faculty of Computer Sciences, who joined Ofek Glick from the Faculty of Data and Decision …
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Scientific Break  Lectures
Scientific Break Lectures
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
In the current period, we invite you to "eye-level" scientific break lectures given by our faculty members. Does it pay for my robot to be nice? Dr. Sarah Keren | For the recorded lecture How to prove without revealing a thing Dr. Ron Rothblum | For the recorded lecture Unsolvable problems (or - why does my computer freeze?) Dr. Shaull Almagor | For the recorded lecture What Kind Of Software Flies Into Space? (And Why Should It Really Be Reliable) Dr. Hila Peleg | For the recorded …
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Students, Employees And Faculty Members Volunteered Today At The Tomato Greenhouses In Moshav Geva Carmel. Stronger Together!
Students, Employees And Faculty Members Volunteered Today At The Tomato Greenhouses In Moshav Geva Carmel. Stronger Together!
Monday, November 6, 2023
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Artificial Iintelligence To Assist In Israeli Advocacy
Sunday, October 29, 2023
Haaretz October 16, 2023 Zac Bamberger, a master's degree student at the faculty, established a project under the title Social Media for Israel in which he develops together with a team of about 100 active volunteers, technological tools for monitoring and tagging content on networks using language models. "We use language models to remove anti-Israeli content, and make pro-Israeli content accessible to the world through translation and content improvement, and at the same time create …
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Ido Galil - Winning The "Riva Dam" Foundation Scholarship
Ido Galil - Winning The "Riva Dam" Foundation Scholarship
Wednesday, September 6, 2023
Warm congratulations to Ido Galil, Ph.D. student, for winning an honors scholarship from the"Riva Dam" Foundation for the year 2023. The scholarship is intended to promote outstanding doctoral students in the fields of engineering and mathematics. Ido was chosen by a committee that chose him from among candidates from academic institutions in Israel, to which each institution submitted a single selected candidate.Ido Galil's research, under the direction of Prof. Ran El-Yaniv, focuses on …
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Dr. Hila Peleg - Winning The ERC STG Grant
Dr. Hila Peleg - Winning The ERC STG Grant
Wednesday, September 6, 2023
Warm congratulations to Dr. Hila Peleg for winning the ERC STG grant - a grant intended for promising young researchers at the beginning of their career. ERC STG (Starting Grants) grants from the European Research Commission are prestigious and competitive research grants designed to help promising young scientists advance their research, form research teams and strive to realize bold and original ideas. The nomination and the candidates are required to present potential for scientific …
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Dr. Hila Peleg - Winning The ERC STG Grant
Wednesday, September 6, 2023
YnetSeptember 5, 2023Dr. Hila Peleg won an ERC STG grant in a grant intended for promising young researchers at the beginning of their career. Hila Peleg will receive the grant for EXPLOSYN - a synthesis of Exploratory Programming. Full Article (Heb)
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Assaf Rappaport, graduate of the faculty stars on the cover of Forbes magazine
Assaf Rappaport, graduate of the faculty stars on the cover of Forbes magazine
Sunday, August 13, 2023
Globes August 8, 2023 Assaf Rappaport, graduate of the faculty (2012) stars on the cover of Forbes magazine, which is usually reserved for entrepreneurs and senior CEOs in the USA. Wiz, the cyber-cloud company headed by Rappaport, is ranked 15th in the Forbes 100 cloud companies ranking. Full Article (Heb)
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A Prestigious Grant From The European Union To Prof. Eitan Yaakobi and Prof. Zohar Yakhini
A Prestigious Grant From The European Union To Prof. Eitan Yaakobi and Prof. Zohar Yakhini
Monday, August 7, 2023
Warm congratulations to Prof. Eitan Yaakobi and Prof. Zohar Yakhini for winning the prestigious EIC Pathfinder grant from the European Union. The entire grant amounts to approximately 4 million euros, and 1.5 of it will be allocated to research to be conducted at the Technion. Eitan Yaakobi and Zohar Yakhini will train experts in storing information in DNA, a field that is considered one of the most promising directions in the world of information today, since a single gram of DNA may store …
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A Prestigious Grant For Technion Researchers - Towards A Complete System For Storing DNA Information
Monday, August 7, 2023
Chiportal August 7, 2023 Warm congratulations to Prof. Eitan Yaakobi and Prof. Zohar Yakhini for winning the prestigious EIC Pathfinder grant from the European Union. The entire grant amounts to approximately 4 million euros, and 1.5 of it will be allocated to research to be conducted at the Technion. Full Article (Heb)
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Interview With Prof. Irad Yavneh
Interview With Prof. Irad Yavneh
Tuesday, August 1, 2023
Videocast "It's Time For Education"July 27, 2023Prof. Irad Yavneh in a personal conversation about education, teaching and research, in the videocast "It's Time For Education"Full Article (Heb)
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Technion Students for Society, Humanity and The Planet
Technion Students for Society, Humanity and The Planet
Sunday, July 30, 2023
YnetJuly 7, 2023CS Hack Doing Good focused on developments for children treated at the Ruth Rapaport Children's Hospital in Rambam, for their sake and for the sake of the families and the medical staff. Full Article (Heb)
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Artificial Intelligence Makes It Possible To Falsify Information And People, And Endangers Democratic Regimes
Artificial Intelligence Makes It Possible To Falsify Information And People, And Endangers Democratic Regimes
Sunday, July 16, 2023
YnetJuly 7, 2023Dr. Yonatan Belinkov from the Taub Faculty of Computer Science: "[Artificial intelligence] models already produce completely coherent texts, so we will have no chance to differentiate between human texts and synthetic texts, but we can get people used to consuming information in a more critical way." Full Article (Heb)
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CS Programming Competition 2023
CS Programming Competition 2023
Wednesday, July 12, 2023
The competition included 12 problems taken from different areas in mathematics and computer science. A correct solution to a problem consisted of a program that solved correctly and efficiently a variety of instances of the problem, covering all kinds of special and degenerate cases, extreme cases in terms of size/complexity of the input, and so on. Here is the top of the final standing: 1st place: Team "Melinda's Angles" - 11 problems: * Jonathan Gal * Oren Hecht * Idan …
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CS Excellent Students (SAMBA) Ceremony 2023
CS Excellent Students (SAMBA) Ceremony 2023
Thursday, July 6, 2023
On Wednesday, July 5, 2023 CS held a Fellowships and Diploma Ceremony for Excellent Students in The Technion Henry and Marilyn Taub Computer Science Faculty (SAMBA), in honor of the donating families, the winning students and their guests. Prof. Mirela  Ben-Chen hosted the event and congratulated the winning students on their achievements and Dean Prof. Danny Raz congratulated and granted the diplomas. Mr. Israel Abramovich, Ms. Nurit Lavi, Mr. Eitan Shevet, Mr. Michael Kagan, …
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CS 2023 Graduation Ceremony
CS 2023 Graduation Ceremony
Thursday, July 6, 2023
On Thursday, July 4th, 2023, the Computer Science Department celebrated the graduation of 372 students. This year, 6 graduated summa cum laude and received the President Excellency Designation and 58 graduated cum laude and received the Dean Excellency Designation. The atmosphere at the Louis Promenade Plaza where it took place was especially festive when all the graduates wore blue and gold gowns and received a souvenir of a Taub building model in a glass snow …
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Dean, President and Social Excellence Ceremony, 2023
Dean, President and Social Excellence Ceremony, 2023
Thursday, July 6, 2023
CS President and Dean Excellent students f spring semester 2022 and winter semester 2022-23 were awarded in a ceremony held at the Technion Sport Center, on Wednesday, July 5, 2023. The event hosted family members and guests of 104 President excellent studentsand 315 Dean excellent students  in spring semester 2022 and winter semester 2022-23. A social excellence award was given to student Eitan Biron, for dedicated volunteering for children treated at the Ruth Rappaport …
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Azrieli Scholarship to Dr. Or Litany
Azrieli Scholarship to Dr. Or Litany
Monday, July 3, 2023
Congratulations to Dr.Or Litany for winning the prestigious Azrieli Scholarship, awarded for academic excellence and exceptional personal achievement. Or's research deals with deep learning for computer vision, with an emphasis on 3D and geometry. Well done to Or and congratulations on joining the Technion Computer Science Faculty!
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Winners of the 2023 Project Competition
Winners of the 2023 Project Competition
Friday, June 30, 2023
CS and Amdocs Best Project Competition Finals event was held on Wednesday, June 28, 2023 in the format of a project fair, where the competing teams presented the most creative projects done throughout the semester. The winning projects details are in the Hebrew page. Well done to all the presenting and winning projects! Pictures from the event
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Projects Fair on IoT, Android, Arduino and Networks
Projects Fair on IoT, Android, Arduino and Networks
Wednesday, June 28, 2023
CS Projects Fair for the Spring Semester of 2023, was held on Tuesday, June 27, 2023, wher 30 teams of undergraduate students presented and demonstrated projects in various fields in IoT, Android, Arduino and Networks, developed as part of the final project in the software engineering and communication networks track, most of which were carried out in collaboration with various social associations and organizations, and were intended to make a contribution to the community. The …
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Post Doc Scholarship to Shir Cohen
Post Doc Scholarship to Shir Cohen
Tuesday, June 27, 2023
Congratulations to PhD student Shir Cohen, supervised by Prof. Idit Keidar, for winning a Post Doc Scholarship for abroad studies granted to outstanding scientists. Shir will begin post-doctoral training at Cornell University, starting next academic year, and his research deals with extensive aspects of reliability and security of distributed systems, with a focus on blockchain and other distributed financial technologies. Good luck with your studies and research!
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Prestigious Scholarships to Rana Shahout
Prestigious Scholarships to Rana Shahout
Sunday, June 25, 2023
Congratulations to Dr. Rana Shahout, CS PhD graduate, for winning two prestigious scholarships: The Zuckerman scholarship for post-doctoral studies abroad for outstanding scientists, and the Council for Higher Education Scholarship for the Arab Society for post-doctoral studies abroad. Rana's research deals with monitoring networks in real time using limited memory.
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CS Magister Graduation Ceremony, 2023
CS Magister Graduation Ceremony, 2023
Tuesday, June 20, 2023
CS celebrated the graduation of 55 Magister Students in a ceremony which was held on Monday, June 19, 2023. Congratulations to Magister of Science in Computer Science graduates Summa Cum Laude: Nir Bacharach Titled: Distributional Robustness: From Pricing to Auctions Advised by: Inbal Talgam-Cohen Ben Finkelshtein Titled: Robustness and Rotation Equivariance in Geometric Deep Learning Advised by: Alexander Bronstein, Chaim Baskin Gal …
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Best Poster Award at Systor 2023
Best Poster Award at Systor 2023
Sunday, June 18, 2023
Congratulations to Itai Dabran and Tom Sofer from the CS Center for Smart Technologies (ICST) and to Prof. Naomi Bitterman, Head of the Industrial Design Track at the Faculty of Architecture, for winning the Best Poster Award at the Systor 2023 conference for their paper: A Smart Inhaler for Medication Adherence, which deals with smart medicine and describes the development of a tiny IoT product that attaches to an inhaler for children with asthma and with the help of a smart watch, …
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Technion Honorary Doctorate to CS Graduate, Prof. Avi Wigderzon
Technion Honorary Doctorate to CS Graduate, Prof. Avi Wigderzon
Sunday, June 18, 2023
In a festive ceremony on campus that took place this week, the Technion awarded an honorary doctorate to Prof. Avi Wigderzon, a graduate of the Taub Faculty of Computer Science and a researcher at the Institute for Advanced Research (IAS) in Princeton. The award was given to him "for his important contribution and leadership in the theoretical fields of computer science and discrete mathematics, including complexity theory, encryption, expanding graphs and more; And as a sign of …
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CS Excellent Teaching Assistants
CS Excellent Teaching Assistants
Sunday, June 18, 2023
The Henry and Marilyn Taub Faculty of Computer Science congratulates the winners of the Excellent TA awards for 2022-23 Winter Semester: Persistent Excellent TA: Mohammad Agbarya - Operating Systems Ami Ganz - Algorithms 1 Boaz Moav - Computer Organization and Programming Ido Rafael - Theory of Computation Omer Rappoport - Introduction to Software Verification Yara Shamshoum - Introduction to computing with Python Faculty Persistent Excellent TA: Sapir Gershov - Introduction to …
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Special Meetig with Johny Srouji at CS
Special Meetig with Johny Srouji at CS
Tuesday, June 13, 2023
Geektime June 13, 2023 Johny Srouji, Technion CS graduate and one of the top people at Apple, in a special interview with Gigtime: "If you want to fail, fail fast" - at a special meeting held at the Technion, the most senior Israeli at Apple talked about the process of switching to home-made Apple silicon processors, the challenges On the way, how Apple avoids layoffs and also provided some important tips for working in the field. Full Article
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The Technion President's Award for Exceptional Achievement to Prof. Eli Biham
The Technion President's Award for Exceptional Achievement to Prof. Eli Biham
Monday, June 12, 2023
The Technion President’s Award for Exceptional Achievement was conferred upon CS faculty member Prof. Eli Biham for his exceptional and unique contribution to the field of cyber. Prof. Biham, an esteemed faculty member at the Henry and Marilyn Taub Faculty of Computer Science, has made remarkable and unparalleled contributions to the field of cybersecurity. His expertise played a pivotal role in the Technion’s rapid and efficient recovery from the recent cyber attack.
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A Special Meeting with Johny Srouji
A Special Meeting with Johny Srouji
Wednesday, June 7, 2023
A special conversation with Johny Srouji, Technion CS graduate and Senior Vice President for Hardware Technologies at Apple, at Taub Auditorium 1 in the Henry and Marilyn Taub Faculty of Computer Science building, on Tuesday June 13th, 2023 at 12:30. Idan Ben Tovim (Geektime) will converse in the Technion with Johny Srouji, the executive leading Apple silicon, including chips for iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and Mac. Mr. Srouji, who will be receiving the Technion Alumni Medal for …
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Undergraduate Students at ICML 2023
Undergraduate Students at ICML 2023
Tuesday, June 6, 2023
Congratulations to our undergraduate students at the faculty - Badea Marjieh, Maroun Khriesh  and Gon Buzaglo, whose article: "Continual Learning in Linear Classification on Separable Data" was accepted to the ICML 2023 conference. The article investigates the behavior of learning systems under serial changes in the learned distribution and was written under the guidance and collaboration of Itay Evron, Dr. Edward Moroshko and Prof. Daniel Soudry (Technion Electrical …
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BioBit Award to Eitan Yaakobi
BioBit Award to Eitan Yaakobi
Tuesday, June 6, 2023
Congratulations to Prof. Eitan Yaakobi for winning the BioBit Award for 2022, which is awarded on behalf of Zhejiang Lab's International Collaborative Science Program for Biocomputation in China and is intended to promote breakthroughs in the field of coding technologies and algorithms for storing information in DNA - an innovative approach that is expected to revolutionize information storage while dramatically reducing In terms of storage volume, the very long-term retention of …
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CS Ph.D. Graduation Ceremony, 2023
CS Ph.D. Graduation Ceremony, 2023
Tuesday, May 30, 2023
CS Ph.D. Graduation Ceremony, 2023 The Technion Ph.D. Students Graduation Ceremony, 2023 was held on Monday evening, May 29, 2023 at the Technion amphitheatre. This year 264 Technion graduates in 2022-2023 received their Ph.D. diplomas, among them 17 Computer Science graduates:   Michael Amir Titled: Probabilistic Pursuits on Graphs Advised by: Alfred Bruckstein Ohad Eitan Titled: Access Patterns and Caching Algorithms Advised by: Roy …
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Call for Application for CS Lapidim Program
Call for Application for CS Lapidim Program
Wednesday, May 24, 2023
You are invited to apply for the CS Lapidim Program - Excellence in Research and Entrepreneurship - registration is open until June 8, 2023.
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Best Poster Award at the London Calling 2023
Best Poster Award at the London Calling 2023
Tuesday, May 23, 2023
Congratulations to MSC student Hadas Abraham, supervised by Prof. Eitan Yaakobi, for winning the best poster award at the London Calling 2023 conference, the leader in the field of Nanopore Sequencing and organized by Oxford Nanopore Technologies, which took place in May in London, for her work, in collaboration with CS students Orian Leitersdorf, Daniella Bar-Lev, and Omar Sabary (out of 144 submitted to the conference): Accurate Accelerated Read Clustering in the Nanopore Signal …
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Best Project Contest 2023
Best Project Contest 2023
Wednesday, May 17, 2023
You are invited to take part in the Best Project Contest and to submit an innovative project that you have done in a project course or CS lab. Submission deadline is Wednesday, June 07, 2023, and the finals will be held within a Project Fair on Wednesday Noon, June 28, 2023. The first places winners will receive pecuniary award courtesy of Amdocs at the Project Fair event. For participation please pre-register. Good luck!
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Simulation Workshop for Technical job Interviews
Simulation Workshop for Technical job Interviews
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
You are invited to a simulation workshop for technical job interviews that will provide practical tools and feedback, and help with technical interviews in the future. After pre-registration you will receive an email from an engineer and a time will be set for a remote simulation call for about 40 minutes interview and another 5-10 minutes feedback. Participation is conditional upon confirmation of pre-registration and the simulation is intended for experimentation and receiving …
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RSS Pioneers Award to Roee Francos
RSS Pioneers Award to Roee Francos
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Congratulations to Roee Francos, CS PhD student, supervised by Alfred M. Bruckstein, for winning the RSS Pioneers award for 2023, which is awarded every year to the 30 most promising doctoral/post-doctoral early-career robotics researchers in the world, and he will receive the award in a workshop dedicated to the recipients of the prize as part of a major international robotics conference, Robotics: Science and Systems, to be held in July. The award was given to Roee for his research …
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"Career Marathon" Workshops
"Career Marathon" Workshops
Monday, April 24, 2023
You are invited to the "Career Marathon" which will take place between April 30-May 7, Taub 337, 18:30 - workshops for studying and receiving tools for finding the first job, proper preparation for technological interviews, conducting negotiations on the employment contract, building the career path in high-tech, and more. More details and registration for the workshops
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Final (Company) Prize for Excellent Students
Final (Company) Prize for Excellent Students
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
As an incentive for excelling in software, Final company will grant a 10,000 NIS worth award to excellent Computer Science students in their first degree studies, with average grades of 90 and 3 more semesters to study. Application deadline is May 1, 2023. More details and application and in the attached poster. 1382.pdf
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CS Colloquia Lectures for Spring Semester 2023
CS Colloquia Lectures for Spring Semester 2023
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
CS Colloquia Lectures for Spring Semester 2023: Dan Halperin Tel Aviv University Tuesday, May 9, 2023, 14:30-15:30 Taub 337 Thomas Vidick Weizmann Institute of Science Wednesday, May 17, 2023, 12:30-13:30 Taub 337 Matan Gavish Hebrew University of Jerusalem Tuesday, June 13, 2023, 14:30-15:30 Taub 337 Brit Youngmann - CANCELLED! CS, Technion Tuesday, June 20, 2023, 14:30-15:30 Taub 337 Adi Shamir Weizmann Institute of Science Tuesday, June 20, 2023, 14:30-15:30 Taub …
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Blavatnik Award to Daniella Bar-Lev
Blavatnik Award to Daniella Bar-Lev
Sunday, April 16, 2023
Congratulations to Daniella Bar-Lev, a PhD student at our faculty advised by Prof. Tuvi Etzion and prof. Eitan Yaakobi, , on winning the Blavatnik Award for Outstanding Israeli Doctoral Candidates in computer Science. The prize committee, which included faculty members from the Technion, the Hebrew University, and Tel Aviv University, was very impressed with the level of excellence demonstrated by the research students and recent graduates who submitted their candidacy for the award, but …
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Nadir Yizrael, CS graduate, Co-founder and CTO of the Cyber Unicorn Aramis
Nadir Yizrael, CS graduate, Co-founder and CTO of the Cyber Unicorn Aramis
Sunday, April 16, 2023
Calcalist April 14, 2023 Nadir Yizrael, co-founder and CTO of the cyber unicorn Aramis was the inspiration for Nadir Akerman's character from 'Eretz Nehedert' but believes that high-tech should be modest. "High-tech should not be a place for getting rich quick. The crisis in the market brings everyone back to the basics, roughly." These are his answers to common questions in job interviews. Full Article
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Social Excellence Award for 2023
Social Excellence Award for 2023
Sunday, April 16, 2023
The Taub Faculty of Computer Science in collaboration with the Social Incubator at the Technion invites CS students from all degrees to submit nominations for the Social Excellence Award for 2023, for volunteering or initiating a project for society and the community on campus and/or outside of it that took place in 2022 The volunteering or donation is not in exchange for a salary, scholarship or academic score, the amount of the award: NIS 6,000 and the application must be submitted …
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Technion Open Day for Undergraduate and Graduate Studies
Technion Open Day for Undergraduate and Graduate Studies
Sunday, April 16, 2023
The open oay for undergraduate and graduate studies at the Technion will be held on Wednesday, April 19, 2023, starting at 09:00 - details and registration.
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Krill prize to Prof. Inbal Talgam Cohen
Krill prize to Prof. Inbal Talgam Cohen
Sunday, April 2, 2023
CS congratulates Prof. Inbal Talgam Cohen on winning the prestigious Krill Prize for her research in theoretical computer science, awarded by the Wolf Foundation Scholarship Committee outstanding candidates from all Israeli universities, for Excellence in Scientific Research. Congratulations to Inbal!
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Blavatnik Award to Boris Pismenny
Blavatnik Award to Boris Pismenny
Sunday, April 2, 2023
Congratulations to Boris Pismenny, a PhD student at our faculty advised by Prof. Dan Tsafrir and prof. Adam Morrison, on winning the Blavatnik Award for Outstanding Israeli Doctoral Candidates in computer Science. The prize committee, which included faculty members from the Technion, the Hebrew University, and Tel Aviv University, was very impressed with the level of excellence demonstrated by the research students and recent graduates who submitted their candidacy for the award, but …
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CS 2023 Hackaton Doing Good
CS 2023 Hackaton Doing Good
Saturday, April 1, 2023
CS held the 2023 Hackaton Doing Good on Thursday-Friday, March 30-31, 2023,  in collaboration with Ruth Rappaport Children's Hospital, Rambam Health Care Campus, and which this year will find solutions that enhance the well-being of children and their families during hospital treatment. The event was attended by 135 students, supported by 50 associations, engineers and technologists from the industry and from CS who gathered to help develop applications and technological …
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PODC23 Outstanding Doctoral Award to Dean Leitersdorf
PODC23 Outstanding Doctoral Award to Dean Leitersdorf
Tuesday, March 28, 2023
Congratulations to CS graduate, Dr. Dean Leitersdorf (supervised by Prof. Keren Censor-Hillel), for winning the outstanding doctoral award in the field of distributed computing, for his thesis: Fast Distributed Algorithms via Sparsity Awareness, awarded by PODC 2023 conference that will be held in Florida this coming June. Well done Dean and good luck in the future!
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Apple Scholars in AI to Hadas Orgad
Apple Scholars in AI to Hadas Orgad
Sunday, March 26, 2023
Congratulations to PhD student Hadas Orgad, under the direction of Dr. Yonatan Blinkov, for winning the scholarship: Apple Scholars in AI/ML PhD fellowship in artificial intelligence, awarded for the first time to doctoral students to support the academic research community by empowering promising leaders in their fields and in their advanced research in the field of computational learning. Well done!
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Jacobs Award for an Outstanding Paper to Tomer Lange
Jacobs Award for an Outstanding Paper to Tomer Lange
Thursday, March 16, 2023
Congratulations to Tomer Lange, CS PhD student, Prof. Seffi Naor and Dr. Gala Yadgar, on winning the Jacobs Award for an outstanding paper in the field of algorithms in storage systems, and development of competitive algorithms for SSD management and improving its performance: Offline and online algorithms for SSD management. Well done to Tomer and success in the research!
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CS Orientation Day 2023
CS Orientation Day 2023
Tuesday, March 14, 2023
CS 2023 Orientation Day for new students will be held on Monday, March 20, 2023, and will begin at 10:00 with a Technion meeting at the Churchill Auditorium where the Senior Vice President, the Dean for Undergraduate Studies and the Students Dean and Chairman of the Technion Student Association will speak to the new students, and between 11:00-14:00 there will be a gathering at the Computer Science Taub Building, and a meeting at the Taub 1 Auditorium in the entrance floor, which …
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CS Graduate and Wiz Founder: "Unfortunately, in Light of the Coup - The Money will not Enter Israel"
CS Graduate and Wiz Founder: "Unfortunately, in Light of the Coup - The Money will not Enter Israel"
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Calcalist February 2, 2023 In the wake of the $300 million raising of the unicorn, which increased its value from $6 to $10 billion, the company's founder Assaf Rappaport said: "I hear voices from all sides of entrepreneurs who are secretly taking money out of the country" Full Article
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Podcast of the Technion Alumni Organization
Podcast of the Technion Alumni Organization
Monday, February 20, 2023
Podcast of the Technion Alumni Organization By: Dr. Adi Omri Dr. Adi Omari, CS three degrees graduate and and additional degree in business administration, talks on the Technionist podcast of the Technion alumni organization, about the start-up company he founded to produce quality content in Arabic and what the future holds for us in the field of content produced with artificial intelligence. Podcast Broadcast
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Prof. Avraham Lempel (1936-2023)
Prof. Avraham Lempel (1936-2023)
Monday, February 6, 2023
JewishPress February 6, 2023 Prof. Abraham Lempel, an Israeli computer scientist considered one of the fathers of data compression and the man who changed the field of computer science, died on Sunday at age 87. Full Article Ynet TheMarker Geektime Ynet - An interview with CS Dean, Prof. Danny Raz Israel Hayom
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The Eric and Wendy Schmidt Postdoctoral Scholarship to Rana Shahout and Shir Cohen
The Eric and Wendy Schmidt Postdoctoral Scholarship to Rana Shahout and Shir Cohen
Sunday, February 5, 2023
Congratulation to CS PhD students Rana Shahout (supervised by Prof. Roy Friedman), and Shir Cohen (supervised by Prof. Idit Keidar), on winning The Eric and Wendy Schmidt Postdoctoral Award for Women in Mathematical and Computing Sciences (“Israeli Women’s Postdoctoral Award”) which supports promising women in Israel who wish to pursue a postdoctoral fellowship in the mathematical and computational sciences or engineering at a major institution outside of Israel. Rana's …
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Prof. Avraham Lempel (1936-2023)
Prof. Avraham Lempel (1936-2023)
Sunday, February 5, 2023
The Technion mourns the passing of Professor Emeritus Abraham Lempel and sends heartfelt condolences to his family. Prof. Lempel from the Henry and Marilyn Taub Faculty of Computer Science was one of the authors of the Lempel-Ziv algorithm, which revolutionized data compression and is considered to be one of the most important technological breakthroughs achieved by Israeli researchers. Prof. Lempel was born in Poland in 1936. He commenced his studies at the Technion in 1959 …
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Kira Radinsky - A Journey Through the Stations of her Life
Kira Radinsky - A Journey Through the Stations of her Life
Wednesday, February 1, 2023
Walla February 1, 2023 Childhood in Ukraine, the trauma that accompanied the immigration to Israel, the startups that were successful and the excitement at the lighting ceremony of the Masuot, Kira Radinsky, Israel's prominent high-tech ventures, took us on a journey through the stations of her life. Full Article גלילאו צעיר
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First Place for Dean Zadok at the Technion Research Day 2023
First Place for Dean Zadok at the Technion Research Day 2023
Sunday, January 29, 2023
Congratulations to Dean Zadok, PhD student under supervised by Professors Alon Wolf, Oren Salzman and Alex Bronstein, who represented CS at the Technion Research Day held on January 18, 2023, and won the first place and the title "Audience Favorite" - after winning the first place at the CS Research Day held on December 28, 2022 - for his research on: Fine Finger Motions from Ultrasound Images via Kinematic Representation, which deals with robotic prostheses and …
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Projects Fair on IoT, Android, Arduino and Networks
Projects Fair on IoT, Android, Arduino and Networks
Wednesday, January 25, 2023
On Tuesday, January 24, 2023 CS held projects fair for the Winter Semester of 2023, where 30 teams of undergraduate students presented and demonstrated projects in various fields in IoT, Android, Arduino and Networks, developed as part of the final project in the software engineering and communication networks track, most of which were carried out in collaboration with various social associations and organizations, and were intended to make a contribution to the community. …
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2022 Henry Taub Prize for Academic Excellence
2022 Henry Taub Prize for Academic Excellence
Tuesday, January 24, 2023
Congratulations to Dr. Inbal Talgam-Cohen and Dr. Oren Salzman, for winning the 2022 Henry Taub Prize for Academic Excellence, awarded to faculty members in the Faculty of Computer Science for exceptional excellence in research. Well done success in research
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CS-Hackathon 2023 - Doing Good
CS-Hackathon 2023 - Doing Good
Tuesday, January 24, 2023
Technion CS annual Hackathon - Doing Good will take place on Thursday and Friday, March 30-31, 2023 in the CS Taub Building, and this year will focus on technological developments for hospitalized children with the aim of making their stay in the hospital, their families and the staff that care for them easier. More Details
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Intel oneAPI Center of Excellence: The World of Supercomputing has Entered a New Era
Intel oneAPI Center of Excellence: The World of Supercomputing has Entered a New Era
Tuesday, January 24, 2023
TheMarker By: Dr. Gal Oren (CS, Technion) December 28, 2022 The journey to speed up computer performance continues with the understanding that the shift in achieving performance is now moving from hardware to software. The new Intel oneAPI Center of Excellence at the Technion will help train the next generation of high-performance computing researchers and developers by expanding the use of cross-architecture programming in teaching, research and development. Full …
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CS Excellent Teaching Assistants
CS Excellent Teaching Assistants
Tuesday, January 24, 2023
The Henry and Marilyn Taub Faculty of Computer Science congratulates the winners of the Excellent TA awards for 2022 Spring Semester: Persistent Excellent TA: Mohammad Agbarya - Operating Systems Ido Galil - Data Structures 1 Itai Evron - Introduction to Machine Learning Boaz Moav - Computer Organization and Programming Ido Rafael - Theory of Computation Omer Rappoport -Introduction to Set Theory and Automata for CS Yara Shamshoum - Introduction to computing with …
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Open Philanthropy Grant Awarded to Prof. Yonatan Belinkov
Open Philanthropy Grant Awarded to Prof. Yonatan Belinkov
Sunday, January 22, 2023
The Technion January 19, 2023 Assistant Professor Yonatan Belinkov from the Henry and Marilyn Taub Faculty of Computer Science at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology has been awarded funding from Open Philanthropy for “An Initiative for the Interpretable Control of Artificial Intelligence.” Open Philanthropy identifies outstanding giving opportunities, makes grants, follows the results, and publishes its findings. Its mission is to give as effectively as it …
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CS Graduate Karin Ivshitz Segal to Replace Outgoing Intel CEO
CS Graduate Karin Ivshitz Segal to Replace Outgoing Intel CEO
Tuesday, January 10, 2023
Ynet January 9, 2023 Karin Eivshitz-Segal joined 21 years ago as a computer science student at the Technion and since then has focused on product development and quality and performance testing technologies. Today she leads Intel's global validation organization, which is responsible for testing all personal computing products and servers, and acts as the CEO of Intel's development centers in Israel. Full Article
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ANRP Prize to Boris Pismenny
ANRP Prize to Boris Pismenny
Tuesday, January 10, 2023
Congratulations to the PhD student, Boris Pismenny, supervised by prof. Dan Tsafrir and Prof. Adam Morrison, on winning the award: The Applied Networking Research Prize (ANRP) 2023, granted by Internet Research Task Force, for his paper (with co-authors): "Autonomous NIC Offloads" published at ASPLOS 2021. The prize is awarded for the best recent applied results in the field of computer communication that are expected to influence Internet-related technologies and …
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Technion and CS Open Day
Technion and CS Open Day
Wednesday, January 4, 2023
The Technion open day will take place today, Thursday, January 5, 2023, starting at 12:30, and will last until the evening, and in the CS will be held on 13:00 and at 16:30, on the entrance floor and Auditoriums 1 & 2 of Taub building. More details
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CS 11th Research Day, 2022
CS 11th Research Day, 2022
Monday, January 2, 2023
The CS Department held its tenth Research Day on Wednesday, December 28, 2022 which exhibited 22 of the finest researches carried out by our excellent M.Sc. and Ph.D. students before multitude of guests from the Technion and the industry. The festive event lasted more more than 3 hours during which the presenters repeatedly demonstrated their research to highly intrigued audience and both visitors and young researchers were greatly enthusiastic and an official judging …
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