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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

Winners of the Jacobs-Gottwirth Excellence 2023
Winners of the Jacobs-Gottwirth Excellence 2023
Sunday, December 25, 2022
Congratulations to the winners of the Jacobs-Gottwirth honors for the year 2023: Daniela Bar-Lev, PhD student supervised by Prof. Tovi Etzion and Prof. Eitan Yaakobi, winner of Jacobs Excellence Scholarship for her research on DNA-based storage systems - comprehensive characterization of the deletion channel and the deletion errors in storage and communication channels, for the purpose of correcting errors and building reconstruction algorithms and retrieve …
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Kira Radinsky: "In 10 years we will be waiting in line for the emergency department for six hours instead of three"
Kira Radinsky: "In 10 years we will be waiting in line for the emergency department for six hours instead of three"
Saturday, December 3, 2022
November 29, 2022 Dr. Radinsky, CS graduate and faculty member, and co-founder and CEO of Diagnostic Robotics, at Calcalist's TechTLV conference: "We collected more than a hundred million encounters with family doctors and built systems that interview patients, know which tests they need with the aim of automation. The goal is for the family doctor to get involved What he has to deal with - relationships and diagnosis." Full Article
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Planning and Budgeting Committee Scholarship in Data Science
Planning and Budgeting Committee Scholarship in Data Science
Saturday, December 3, 2022
Congratulations to the inners of the Planning and Budgeting Committee Scholarship Award in Data Science: Daniela Bar-Lev, PHD student, supervised by Prof. Tuvi Etzion and Prof. Eitan Yaakobi, for her research on error correction in DNA-based storage systems Yuval Loverski, MSC student, supervised by Prof. Benny Kimelfeld, for his research on accelerating and improving the quality of algorithms based on computational learning to create vector mappings of …
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A Technology Developed at the Technion Improves Adaptation of Anti-cancer Treatments
A Technology Developed at the Technion Improves Adaptation of Anti-cancer Treatments
Wednesday, November 23, 2022
Nature Communications November 8, 2022 The development, based on artificial intelligence, will make it possible to improve breast cancer treatments and warn of wrong diagnoses Computational models developed by researchers at the Taub Faculty of Computer Science will make it possible to better evaluate the effectiveness of immunotherapy treatments, to predict the patient's life expectancy, to improve the treatments in a personalized way and to warn of wrong diagnoses. The …
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Inbal Talgam-Cohen Awarded ERC Starting Grant
Inbal Talgam-Cohen Awarded ERC Starting Grant
Tuesday, November 22, 2022
The Technion November 22, 2022 The European Research Council (ERC) has awarded four early-career Technion scientists, amongst whom is CS memebr Inbal Talgam-Cohen, with Starting Grants, recognizing the great promise in their research fields. ERC is the premier European funding organization for excellent frontier research, and is part of the Horizon Europe program. The ERC Starting Grant is aiming to assist excellent early-career scientists, who are starting their career as …
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Planning and Budgeting Committee Scholarship to Ella Sheory
Planning and Budgeting Committee Scholarship to Ella Sheory
Sunday, November 20, 2022
Congratulations to the CS magister student Ella Sheory, on winning a master's degree scholarship for outstanding women in the high-tech fields 2023, for her research, under the supervision of Prof. Dan Tsafrir, in the field of operating systems and architecture: intelligent distribution of address translation caches in SMT cores. Well done to Ella and good luck with the research!
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CS Colloquia Lectures for Winter Semester 22-23
CS Colloquia Lectures for Winter Semester 22-23
Sunday, November 20, 2022
CS Colloquia Lectures for Winter Semester 2022-23 David Wajc Google Research → Technion Tuesday, November 22, 2022, 14:30-15:30 Taub 337 George Varghese (CEclub seminar) UCLA Monday, December 12, 2022, 14:30-15:30 Meyer 1003 Amir Globerson Tel Aviv University Tuesday, December 13, 2022, 14:30-15:30 Taub 337 Shafi Goldwasser UC Berkeley Tuesday, December 27, 2022, 11:30-12:30 Taub 337 Michael Lustig UC Berkeley Tuesday, January 03, 2023, …
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Best Paper Award to David Wajc
Best Paper Award to David Wajc
Friday, November 18, 2022
Congratulations to Dr. David Wajc on winning the Best Paper Award at the SODA23 conference for his paper (with Sayan Bhattacharya, Peter Kiss and Thatchaphol Saranurak): "Dynamic Matching with Better-than-2 Approximation in Polylogarithmic Update Time". David will join the faculty next year and will present present his paper at the faculty this coming Tuesday. Welcome David and good luck!
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ISTRC Scholarship to Sai Sanketh Vedula
ISTRC Scholarship to Sai Sanketh Vedula
Thursday, November 17, 2022
Congratulations to CS Ph.D. student Sai Sanketh Vedula, supervised by Prof. Alexander Bronstein (VISTA Lab researchers) on receiving the ISTRC scholarship - the Center for Smart Transportation scholarship for the year 2022-2023. Well done to Sai and good luck with the research!
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CS Excellent Teaching in Spring Semester 2022
CS Excellent Teaching in Spring Semester 2022
Monday, November 14, 2022
CS congratulates its Excellent Teachers in teaching on in in 2022 Spring Semester: Prof. Erez Petrank - Excellence in teaching the course: Parallel Programming Prof. Eran Yahav - Commendation for teaching the course: Computer Organization and Programming Dr. Nir Rosenfeld - Commendation for teaching the course: Introduction to Learning Systems Dr. Alexander Libov - Commendation for teaching the course: Object-Oriented Programming Well done to all!
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Prof. Uzzi Ornan 1923-2022
Prof. Uzzi Ornan 1923-2022
Friday, November 4, 2022
We are saddened by the passing of the late Prof. Uzzi Ornan, a member of CS faculty. Uzzi Ornan served as a visiting professor at the faculty starting in 1987 and engaged in language research and natural language processing. He was a linguist and a member of the Hebrew Language Academy. He founded the "League for the Prevention of Religious Coercion" and worked for the separation of religion from the state in Israel. Prof. Ornan's life is intertwined with the …
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Best Paper Award at the ISITA 2022
Best Paper Award at the ISITA 2022
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
Congratulations to Orian Leitersdorf Ph.D. student, Adir Kobovich M.Sc. student, Daniella Bar-Lev, Ph.D. student, Prof. Eitan Yaakobi on winning the Best Paper Award at the ISITA 2022 conference, for their paper: "Codes for Constrained Periodicity". In this paper, the authors studied a family of constraints which prevent substrings with low periodicity. These constraints have applications in racetrack memories and DNA-based storage systems. The paper was written as part of the …
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Best Paper Award to Yaniv Nemcovsky
Best Paper Award to Yaniv Nemcovsky
Saturday, October 22, 2022
Congratulations to Yaniv Nemcovsky, CS Ph.D. student, on winning the Best Paper Award in the Adversarial Robustness In the Real World workshop within the framework of the ECCV 2022 conference in the field of computer vision, for their paper:"Physical Passive Patch Adversarial Attacks on Visual Odometry Systems", written under the supervision of Dr. Chaim Baskin and Prof. Alexander Bronstein in collaboration with Matan Jacoby, former Vista Lab engineer. The paper offers an …
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CS 2022 Orientation Day - Winter 2022-23
CS 2022 Orientation Day - Winter 2022-23
Saturday, October 22, 2022
CS Winter Semester 2022 Orientation Day for new students was held on Sunday, October 23, 2022, began with the Technion opening ceremony of the winter semester, and followed with a gathering at the Computer Science Taub Building, and a meetings that included tours, receiving a student card, acquaintance with members of the academic staff and the undergrads secretariat, as well as meetings with student association representatives, faculty tours, demonstrations and more. This year, 340 …
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CS 2022 Orientation Day - Winter 2022-23
CS 2022 Orientation Day - Winter 2022-23
Wednesday, October 19, 2022
CS Winter Semester 2022 Orientation Day for new students will be held on Sunday, October 23, 2022, will begin at 10:00 with the Technion opening ceremony of the winter semester, and will follow with a gathering at the Computer Science Taub Building, and a meeting at the Taub 1 Auditorium in the entrance floor, including tours, receiving a student card, acquaintance with members of the academic staff and the undergrads secretariat, as well as meetings with student association …
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Intel oneAPI Center of Excellence at the Technion
Intel oneAPI Center of Excellence at the Technion
Wednesday, September 28, 2022
Technion is pleased to be recognized as an Intel oneAPI Center of Excellence to facilitate studies in contemporary scientific computing using the power of CPUs, GPUs, and other accelerators, with oneAPI cross-architecture programming Leading the center are Dr. Gal Oren and Prof. Hagit Attiya from the Henry and Marilyn Taub Faculty of Computer Science at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, in collaboration with Prof. Danny Hendler from the Computer Science …
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Google Acquires the Israeli Climate Company Brizometer
Google Acquires the Israeli Climate Company Brizometer
Tuesday, September 20, 2022
TheMarker September 20, 2022 Breezometer, founded by Emil Fisher, a CS graduate (2009), predicts environmental hazards such as air pollution, and its clients include Apple, L'Oreal and Dyson. Full Artticle
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CSRankings places Technion 1st in Europe in the field of Artificial Intelligence
CSRankings places Technion 1st in Europe in the field of Artificial Intelligence
Thursday, September 15, 2022
The Technion September 15, 2022 The Tech.AI activity is led by Prof. Shie Mannor from the Andrew and Erna Viterbi Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Prof. Assaf Schuster from the Henry and Marilyn Taub Faculty of Computer Science; and Prof. Shai Shen-Orr from the Technion’s Rapaport Faculty of Medicine. Full Article
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The 2022 FOCS Test of Time Award
The 2022 FOCS Test of Time Award
Wednesday, September 14, 2022
Congratulations to CS graduates Prof. Niv Buchbinder and Prof. Moran Feldman, to Prof. Roy Schwartz and Prof. Sefi Naor (advisor of all), on winning the leading conference award given each year to an influential article in the last decade: "The 2022 FOCS Test of Time Award", for their article from 2012: "A Tight Linear Time (1/2)-Approximation for Unconstrained Submodular Maximization".
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Meta Online Events
Meta Online Events
Monday, September 5, 2022
You are invited to participate in two online events on behalf of Meta: 1. Computer science students who are scheduled to graduate in 2024 or 2025: "Wayfinder" To be held on Thursday, September 8, 2022, and will include a comprehensive review of a variety of internship positions and projects at Meta, a description of an intern's day and training to prepare for the interview process, as well as a meeting with engineers from Tel-Aviv on a panel in Hebrew who will …
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Technion and Tel-Aviv University Researchers Developed an Innovative Method to Engineer Quantum Entanglement in a Crystal, using Computational Learning Tools
Technion and Tel-Aviv University Researchers Developed an Innovative Method to Engineer Quantum Entanglement in a Crystal, using Computational Learning Tools
Tuesday, August 23, 2022
The Technion August 22, 2022 Researchers from the Technion and Tel Aviv University present a new and original solution to this problem, based on computational learning tools, in an article recently published in Optica, the flagship magazine of the Optical Society. The idea for this solution came up in a social gathering of researchers from different research groups: the group of Professor Alex Bronstein from the Taub Faculty of Computer Science at the Technion, an expert in …
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Planning and Budgeting Committee Scholarship to Eden Saig
Planning and Budgeting Committee Scholarship to Eden Saig
Thursday, August 18, 2022
Congratulations to CS  Ph.D. student Eden Saig, on winning a Ph.D. scholarship for outstanding doctoral students in data science for the year 2023 for his research, under the supervision of Prof. Nir Rosenfeld, in the field of machine learning, which focuses on the development of learning algorithms adapted to dynamic human behavior. Well done to Eden and success in the research!
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CS Researchers Developed an Automatic Method for Deriving Communication Protocol
CS Researchers Developed an Automatic Method for Deriving Communication Protocol
Monday, August 15, 2022
CS researchers Prof. Orna Grumberg, Dr. Gabi Nakibly and graduate student Ron Marcovich, developed an automatic method for deriving a communication protocol from a running (binary) file that implements it. The work was done as part of the thesis of Marcovich, who is studying for a master's degree at the faculty. Deriving a communication protocol is an important and very useful process in the cyber field. Researchers are interested in deriving communication protocols for the …
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CS Researchers Decrypt Siemens’ Smart  Controller
CS Researchers Decrypt Siemens’ Smart Controller
Wednesday, August 10, 2022
CS researchers Prof. Eli Biham, Dr. Sara Bitan, and graduate students Maxim Barsky, Alon Dankner and Idan Raz, Researchers in the Henry and Marilyn Taub Faculty of Computer Science at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology will present the decryption of Siemen’s programmable logic controller (PLC) firmware at the prestigious Black Hat Hacker Convention in Las Vegas. The findings of the study were forwarded to the company. The research project was led by the Head …
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FLOC 2022: The Eighth Federated Logic Conference
FLOC 2022: The Eighth Federated Logic Conference
Thursday, August 4, 2022
This week, one of the largest conferences in computer science opened at the Technion - FloC The Federated Logic Conference 2022 which is held under the leadership of two members of the CS faculty - Prof. Orna Grumberg and Prof. Eran Yahav. The FloC conference is a super-conference that hosts 12 different conferences and more than 60 workshops, and deals with the interface between mathematical logic and computer science. Mathematical logic provides computer science with a …
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Best Paper Award at the NVMW 2022
Best Paper Award at the NVMW 2022
Sunday, July 24, 2022
Congratulations to Gadi Chaykin, Nili Furman, CS graduates, Omer Sabary, Ph.D. student, Dvir Ben Shabat, M.Sc. student, and Prof. Eitan Yaakobi on winning the Best Paper Award at the NVMW 2022 conference, for their paper: "DNA-Storalator: End-to-End DNA Storage Simulator" written as part of a study on DNA-based storage systems to create an end-to-end DNA storage simulator which grants researchers from all …
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CS Graduate and Adjunct Teacher Hassan Abassie, Founder of Haat
CS Graduate and Adjunct Teacher Hassan Abassie, Founder of Haat
Tuesday, July 19, 2022
Ynet July 18, 2022 The Israeli Arab food delivery app is expanding: "We will also reach Morocco": "We will reach thousands of localities in the coming years. Everyone deserves food at home," said Dr. Hassan Abbasi, CEO and co-founder. "Today we are an Israeli company and we will become an international company." Full Article
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Technion CS Graduates Earn the Most
Technion CS Graduates Earn the Most
Monday, July 18, 2022
The Marker July 15, 2022 In order to be accepted for medical studies at the Technion, you need a combined score, matriculation and psychometric, of 93.3. The admission rate for computer science and mathematics studies at the Technion is 92 - almost like medicine. At other universities, the situation is similar: according to reports, even a psychometric score of 730 will not be enough today to be accepted for computer science studies at Tel Aviv University. That's a …
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CS Graduate is Leading CTO in the Israeli Startup and Winner of the Israel Security Award
CS Graduate is Leading CTO in the Israeli Startup and Winner of the Israel Security Award
Wednesday, July 13, 2022
Geektime July 13, 2022 Ido Gonen, CTO at the Israeli startup company Exodigo, who shares his technological stack, career path, tips for juniors and the recommended way of working. Full Article
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CS Programming Competition 2022
CS Programming Competition 2022
Thursday, July 7, 2022
The traditional faculty programming competition was held for the 17th time on July 1 with the participation of 18 teams led by the person in charge Academic Prof. Gill Barequet and TA Gil Ben-Shahar. The competition included 12 challenges from various fields in mathematics And computer science. And the winners are: 1st place: Team "team1" - 5 problems: * Massa Bazea * Siraj Srour * Firas Yazbak 2nd place: Team "Pr3s3nTation_T3Rror" - 5 problems: * Shaked Chen * Or …
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CS 2021-22 Graduation Ceremony
CS 2021-22 Graduation Ceremony
Sunday, July 3, 2022
CS 2021-22 Graduation Ceremony On Thursday, June 30, 2022, the Computer Science Department celebrated the graduation of 362 students. Dean Prof. Dan Geiger, and Vice Dean for Undergraduate Studies, Prof. Benny Kimelfeld spoke in the presence of as many as 2 thousands (!) guests, friends and family members who fully packed the colorful illuminated tennis court at the Technion Sport Center. Nissan Ohana spoke on behalf of the graduates and a musical moment was …
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Dean, President and Social Excellence Ceremony, 2022
Dean, President and Social Excellence Ceremony, 2022
Thursday, June 30, 2022
The spring semester 2021 and winter semester 2021-22 CS President and Dean Excellent students were awarded in a ceremony held at the Technion Sport Center, on Wednesday, June 29, 2022. The event hosted family members and guests of 55 President excellent studentsand 306 Dean excellent students  in spring semester 2021 and winter semester 2021-22. Dean Prof. Dan Geiger and Vice Dean for Undergraduate Studies Prof. Benny Kimelfeld awarded the students and a musical moment …
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CS Excellent Students (SAMBA) Ceremony 2022
CS Excellent Students (SAMBA) Ceremony 2022
Thursday, June 30, 2022
On Wednesday, June 29, 2022 CS held a Fellowships and Diploma Ceremony for Excellent Students in The Technion Henry and Marilyn Taub Computer Science Faculty (SAMBA), in honor of the donating families, the winning students and their guests. Prof. Mirela "Ben-Chen hosted the event and congratulated the winning students on their achievements and Dean Prof. Dan Geiger congratulated and granted the diplomas. Mr. Israel Abramovich, Mr. Gadi Lavi, Mr. Eitan Shevet, Mr. Michael …
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Projects Fair on IoT, Android, Arduino and Networks
Projects Fair on IoT, Android, Arduino and Networks
Monday, June 27, 2022
On Sunday, June 26, 2022 CS held projects fair for the Spring Semester of 2022, where 30 teams of undergraduate students presented and demonstrated projects in various fields in IoT, Android, Arduino and Networks, developed as part of the final project in the software engineering and communication networks track, most of which were carried out in collaboration with various social associations and organizations, and were intended to make a contribution to the community. The …
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CS Magister Graduation Ceremony, 2022
CS Magister Graduation Ceremony, 2022
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
CS celebrated the graduation of 64 Magister Students in a ceremony which was held on Monday, June 20, 2022. CS Dean, Prof. Dan Geiger, tVice Dean for Graduate Studies, Prof. Prof. Gil Barequet, and the alumni representative Dan Kalifa, spoke to the graduates and their families who participated in the ceremony and a band of undergraduate and graduate students entertained the audience in an exciting show. Congratulations to Magister of Science in Computer Science graduates …
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Best Student Paper Award to Tomer Lange
Best Student Paper Award to Tomer Lange
Monday, June 20, 2022
Congratulations to Tomer Lange, CS Ph.D. student, on winning the Best Student Paper Award at the conference: ACM SIGMETRICS / IFIP PERFORMANCE 2022, held this year in Mumbai, India, for his paper (in collaboration with Prof. Gala Yadgar and Prof. Sefi Naor): "Offline and Online Algorithms for SSD Management", introducing for the first time a competitive analysis of SSD management algorithms, which affect the performance and reliability of the driver over time. Well done …
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The Taub Family's Visit to CS
The Taub Family's Visit to CS
Sunday, June 12, 2022
As part of the 2022 Board of Governors Meeting events held at the Technion in June 2022, members of the Taub family visited Taub CS, and Ira Taub received an honorary fellowship from the Technion in recognition of his leadership and ongoing contribution to the Technion and the CS Faculty. Congratulations and thanks to Ira, Marilyn and all the Taub family for their important support. Pictures from the event
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CS Researchers: End-to-End Referring Video Object Segmentation with Multimodal Transformers
CS Researchers: End-to-End Referring Video Object Segmentation with Multimodal Transformers
Tuesday, June 7, 2022
CVPR 2022 June 2022 CS research group led by Adam Botach, CS M.Sc student and Evgenii Zheltonozhskii, CS graduate and a Ph.D. student at the Physics Department, supervised by Dr. Chaim Baskin, Visiting Scientist at VISTA Laboratory and Center for Intelligent Systems, has developed, as part of Adam Botach's thesis work, a deep learning multimodal (MTTR) algorithm that enables segmentation (pixel level marking) of an object in a video according to a text query (a task known as RVOS). The …
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The Developments for the Community of Technion CS Sudents
The Developments for the Community of Technion CS Sudents
Wednesday, June 1, 2022
Ynet June 2, 2022 About 130 students and 50 mentors - members of associations, people with disabilities, engineers and technologists from industry and the faculty participated in the Hackathon at the Technion CS Department. The challenge: developing applications and technological solutions for the benefit of people with disabilities. The products are intended to improve the quality of life of at least 17% of the Israeli population - with physical, mental or cognitive …
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Biology and Computer Science Combined Research on Production of Proteins in the Ribosome
Biology and Computer Science Combined Research on Production of Proteins in the Ribosome
Wednesday, June 1, 2022
The Technion June 1, 2022 A research combining biological knowledge and new tools from computer science has led to discoveries concerning the production of proteins on the ribosome - the "protein factory" of the cell. The study was led by Prof. Alex Bronstein, Dr. Ailie Marx and Ph.D. student Aviv Rosenberg from the Taub Faculty of Computer Science and was published in Nature Communications. Full article
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Prof. Eli Biham is a Member of the Israel Security Award Committee
Prof. Eli Biham is a Member of the Israel Security Award Committee
Monday, May 30, 2022
Miiddleeast-24 June 30, 2022 Defense Minister Bnei Gantz Approved the recommendations of the Israel Security Award Committee for 2022, 5752. The award will be presented by the President of the State Yitzhak Herzog For three outstanding projects from the battle The IDF, the Mossad, the Shin Bet, the Ministry of Defense and the defense industries. In the current year the prize will be awarded For the Ofek observation satellite project, a project of Unit 8200 to develop …
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CS Excellent Teaching in 2021-22 Winter Semester
CS Excellent Teaching in 2021-22 Winter Semester
Monday, May 30, 2022
CS congratulates its Excellent Teachers in teaching on in in 2021-22 Winter Semester: Prof.  Keren Censor-Hillel - Logic for CS Prof. Michael Elad -  Numerical Algorithms Prof. Erez Petrank - Algorithms For Dynamic Memory Management Dr. Roee Engelberg - Data Structures Well done to all!
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2021 Spring Semester CS Excellent Teaching Assistants
2021 Spring Semester CS Excellent Teaching Assistants
Monday, May 30, 2022
The Henry and Marilyn Taub Faculty of Computer Science congratulates the winners of the Excellent TA awards for 2022 Spring Semester: Persistent Excellent TA: Itai Evron Stav Perle Omer Rappoport Faculty Persistent Excellent TA: Mohammad Agbarya Daniella Bar Lev Ido Galil Faculty Excellent TA: Roe Benyamin Ami Ganz Guy Horowitz Boaz Moav Ayala Fostick Tur Yara Shamshoum Congratulations to all the winners!
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CS-Hackathon 2022 - Doing Good
CS-Hackathon 2022 - Doing Good
Sunday, May 29, 2022
CS held the 2022 Hackaton Doing Good on Thursday-Friday, May 19-20, 2022. The event was attended by 130 students, supported by associations, engineers and technologists from the industry and from CS who gathered to help develop applications and technological solutions for the benefit of people with disabilities, to assist and improve the quality of life of at least 17 percent of Israel's population, as well as a judging panel that included executives from among the …
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CS Ph.D. Graduation Ceremony, 2022
CS Ph.D. Graduation Ceremony, 2022
Tuesday, May 24, 2022
CS Ph.D. Graduation Ceremony, 2022 The Technion Ph.D. Students Graduation Ceremony, 2022 was held on Monday evening, May 23, 2022 at the Technion amphitheatre. Prof. Uri Sivan, Technion President and Prof. Dan Givoli, Head of Technion Graduate Studies School spoke in front of a huge audience and Prof. Irad Yavneh from CS conducted the ceremony. This year 212 Technion graduates in 2021-2022 received their Ph.D. diplomas, among them 21 Computer Science graduates: …
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Simulations for Technical Interviews with Industry Recruiters
Simulations for Technical Interviews with Industry Recruiters
Tuesday, May 24, 2022
You are invited to an experimental simulation workshop for technical interviews with recruiters from the industry, which will enable experiencing in a "real" technical interview and provide practical tools and feedback for success in future technical interviews. Registration until Tuesday, May 31, 2022.
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Prof. Azaria Paz - Wonder Cubes: Theme and Variations
Prof. Azaria Paz - Wonder Cubes: Theme and Variations
Sunday, May 8, 2022
The Mathematical Intelligencer April 21, 2022 By Prof. Azaria Paz A magic square is an n × n square subdivided into n2 cells inscribed with disjoint integers arranged in such a way that the sums of the integers in all the rows and all the columns and the two diagonals are equal to the same constant, which is called the magic constant. Full Article
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Adams Foundation Scholarship to Shir Cohen
Adams Foundation Scholarship to Shir Cohen
Monday, April 18, 2022
Congratulations to Shir Cohen, a Ph.D. student (supervised by Prof. Idit Keidar from the Technion Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering), on winning the prestigious Adams Foundation Scholarship, which provides scholarships to particularly outstanding students from all universities in Israel, for her research on broad aspects of the reliability and security of distributed systems, with a focus on blockchain and other distributed financial technologies. Well done for …
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Projects Fair in the Matter of Perspective Course
Projects Fair in the Matter of Perspective Course
Monday, April 18, 2022
On Thursday, April 14, 2022, CS held a first project fair in the unique course Matter of Perspective jointly given by the Technion Faculties of Computer Science, Architecture and Mechanical Engineering, led by Prof. Gershon Albert and Prof. Miri Ben-Chen, Yoav Sterman (Faculty of Architecture) and Kacper Pluta (TA, Faculty of Computer Science). The fair presented the work of the course students, in mixed teams, in objetive to produce a physical product in digital production …
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Best Student Award to Gal Shalom
Best Student Award to Gal Shalom
Wednesday, April 13, 2022
Congratulations to Gal Shalom, CS graduate student and to supervisors and co-writers Prof. Irad Yavne and Dr. Eran Treister (CS graduate and currently a faculty member at Ben-Gurion University), on winning the Best Student Award at the 17th Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods for his paper: "pISTA: preconditioned Iterated Soft Thresholding Algorithm for Graphical Lasso". Congratulations to Gal, Irad and Eran!
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Research Meetup with a Focus on NLP
Research Meetup with a Focus on NLP
Thursday, April 7, 2022
The first Research Meetup on artificial intelligence, with a Focus on NLP, was held on Wednesday evening, April 6th, on the Taub Terrace which was full o participants and looked very festive. The meeting's goal was to bring together Israel’s ML and NLP communities in a setting far more casual than the traditional well known seminar/conference/poster session. The event format included a meeting of undergraduate and graduate students, researchers and faculty with …
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Hasso-Plattner Institute HPI Scholarship for Gal Yehuda
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
Congratulations to Ph.D. student Gal Yehuda, supervised by Prof. Assaf Schuster, on winning the HPI Scholarship from the Hasso-Plattner Institute, which is awarded annually to doctoral and postdoctoral students in the fields of computer science and information systems. Well done to Gal and success in research!
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Winners of the 2022 Project Competition
Winners of the 2022 Project Competition
Thursday, March 31, 2022
The final stage of the computer science project competition, courtesy of Amdocs, was held on Wednesday, March 30, 2022, at the Taub Lobby, where the CS laboratories presented the best projects performed in the past year, with the participation of exhibitors, Amdocs representative Eyal Felstaine, CS graduate and Amdocs CTO who joined the jury teams, and a large audience who were impressed by the posters and scholarly explanations. The winning projects: Automatic Tennis …
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Prof. Ron Rothblum Received Krill Prize
Prof. Ron Rothblum Received Krill Prize
Wednesday, March 30, 2022
CS congratulates Prof. Ron Rothblum on receiving the prestigious Krill Prize for his research in theoretical computer science, in the field of Cryptography and Complexity. This prize is awarded by the Wolf Foundation Scholarship Committee outstanding candidates from all Israeli universities, for Excellence in Scientific Research. Congratulations to Ron!
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Prof. Gershon Elber: Giving Life to the "Impossible Bodies"
Prof. Gershon Elber: Giving Life to the "Impossible Bodies"
Wednesday, March 23, 2022
Haaretz March 2022 From medicine to art - interdisciplinary collaboration in the 3D printing industry that will include experts from the fields: hardware, software and materials. Full Article (Page 20).
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CS Graduate in Forbes Most Promising List
CS Graduate in Forbes Most Promising List
Wednesday, March 23, 2022
CS graduate of, Dr. Aviv Yehezkel, 28, is considered one of the young promises of Israeli cyber. In addition to being the youngest doctor in the Faculty of Computer Science at the Technion, Ezekiel is also the co-founder and chief technology officer of the cyber startup Cynamics. Last September, the company announced the raising of $ 7 million in Seed. Full Article
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Social Excellence Award 2022
Social Excellence Award 2022
Tuesday, March 22, 2022
CS in collaboration with the Social Incubator at the Technion invites CS students of all degrees to apply for the NIS 6,000 Social Excellence Award 2022, for extraordinary volunteering, initiative and action for society and the community that took placei inside and/or outside the campus in 2021, and which is not for the purpose of salary, scholarship or academic score. Applications can be submitted until Sunday, April 24, 2022. More details and registration.
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ERC Consolidator Grant to Eitan Yaakobi
ERC Consolidator Grant to Eitan Yaakobi
Sunday, March 20, 2022
Congratulations to Prof. Eitan Yaakobi on winning the prestigious ERC Consolidator grant. The European Research Council (ERC) is designed to encourage excellence in science and to support researchers who come up with pioneering and groundbreaking ideas in the research team's and work plan formation stages. The scope of each grant is about 2 million euros. Prof. Yaakobi receives the grant for his research in the field of DNA Storage. DNA storage is an innovative approach …
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CS 2022 Orientation Day
CS 2022 Orientation Day
Wednesday, March 16, 2022
CS 2022 Orientation Day for new students was held on Tuesday, March 15, 2022,and began with a Technion meeting at the Churchill Auditorium where the Senior Vice President, the Dean for Undergraduate Studies and the Students Dean and Chairman of the Technion Student Association will speak to the new students, and following there a gathering at the Computer Science Taub Building, and a meeting at the Taub 1 Auditorium in the entrance floor, including tours, receiving a student card, …
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Best Paper Award to Aviram Imber in TCE-MLIS Conference
Best Paper Award to Aviram Imber in TCE-MLIS Conference
Tuesday, March 8, 2022
Congratulations to Aviram Imber, Magister student, supervised by Prof. Benny Kimelfeld, on winning the Best Paper Award at the TCE-MLIS conference held on February 23, 2022, for his paper: "Approval-Based Committee Voting under Incomplete Information" which deals with computational social choice - a field that combines computer science, game theory and economics. The article deals with computational and algorithmic aspects of determining election results under partial …
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Best Paper Award to Bahjat Kawar and Gregory Vaksman in TCE-MLIS Conference
Best Paper Award to Bahjat Kawar and Gregory Vaksman in TCE-MLIS Conference
Thursday, March 3, 2022
Congratulations to Bahjat Kawar and Gregory Vaksman, Ph.D. students, supervised by Prof. Michael Elad, on winning the Best Paper Award at the TCE-MLIS conference held on February 23, 2022, for their paper: "SNIPS: Solving Noisy Inverse Problems Stochastically" which deals with solving image processing problems, Such as: noise reduction, image sharpening, increasing image resolution and more. The article proposes to solve the problems stochastically by sampling from a …
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Dr. Kira Radinsky: "The empathy and pain we feel is for fear that it will spread to us - and everyone will stand back"
Dr. Kira Radinsky: "The empathy and pain we feel is for fear that it will spread to us - and everyone will stand back"
Thursday, March 3, 2022
Calcalist March 3, 2022 Kira Radinsky is an accomplished computer scientist and one of the most brilliant minds in the world, who has developed complex models for predicting disasters. The fact that she immigrated to Israel from Ukraine at the time gives rise to a very unconventional conversation about emotion, survival, the ability to detach, a first meeting with a father at the age of 18 - and also about the likelihood of a third world war. Full article
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Yardena Kolet (Oren) 1955-2022
Yardena Kolet (Oren) 1955-2022
Tuesday, February 22, 2022
The Faculty of Computer Science mourns the untimely passing of staff member Yardena Kolet who has served as the Faculty's Graduate Studies Coordinator for decades and has accompanied generations of graduates of both degrees. יהי זכרה ברוך
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The senior Israeli at apple: "When looking for a high concentration of excellent engineers and talent - Israel is the place"
The senior Israeli at apple: "When looking for a high concentration of excellent engineers and talent - Israel is the place"
Monday, February 21, 2022
Ynet+ February 20, 2022 Technion CS graduate Johny Srouji - Apple's vice president and senior Israeli in the global high-tech industry - reveals the way Apple makes decisions, and talks about his childhood and adulthood in Haifa and the role models he has accumulated here along the way. Full Article
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CS Distinguished Visiting Professor Judea Pearl Receives BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award
CS Distinguished Visiting Professor Judea Pearl Receives BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award
Sunday, February 20, 2022
Judea Pearl, chancellor’s professor of computer science at the UCLA Samueli School of Engineering, and CS Distinguished Visiting Professor, has received the 2021 BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in the information and communication technologies category “for laying the foundations of modern artificial intelligence, so computer systems can process uncertainty and relate causes to effects." Pearl’s research has paved the way for AI tech, such as driverless …
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Prof. Judea Pearl Receives BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award
Prof. Judea Pearl Receives BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award
Sunday, February 20, 2022
UCLA Samueli February 11, 2022 Judea Pearl, chancellor’s professor of computer science at the UCLA Samueli School of Engineering, and CS Distinguished Visiting Professor, has received the 2021 BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in the information and communication technologies category “for laying the foundations of modern artificial intelligence, so computer systems can process uncertainty and relate causes to effects." Pearl’s research has paved the …
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Jacobs-Qualcomm Scholarship to Michal Edelstein
Jacobs-Qualcomm Scholarship to Michal Edelstein
Tuesday, February 8, 2022
Congratulations to Ph.D. student Michal Edelstein, supervised by Prof. Miri Ben-Chen, on winning the Jacobs-Qualcomm Scholarship for the year 2022, for her research in algorithms for realizable geometry. Well done to Michal!
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CS Graduate Ali Ayub in Globes' Promising Leadership Team for 2022
CS Graduate Ali Ayub in Globes' Promising Leadership Team for 2022
Monday, February 7, 2022
Globes February 2022 Ali Ayub, Senior Director of Software Engineering, NVIDIA, and one of the founders of HAAT, and a Technion CS graduate (and Rana Shahout's brother-in-law), is in Globes' "40 to 40" 2022. Full Article
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First Place in ACC Feder Family Prize to Rana Shahout
First Place in ACC Feder Family Prize to Rana Shahout
Monday, February 7, 2022
Congratulations to Rana Shahout,  Ph.D. student (and Ali Ayub's sister-in-law), supervised by Prof. Roy Friedman , for winning 1st place in the ACC Feder Family Award for Work in Communications 2022, for her work on Real Time Flow Monitoring. The award will be granted during the ACC Annual Workshop, to be held on February 15th, 2022. Well done to Rana!
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CS President and Dean Excellent Students of Spring Semester 2021 (Heb)
CS President and Dean Excellent Students of Spring Semester 2021 (Heb)
Wednesday, February 2, 2022
President Excellent Students of Spring Semester 2021: מאיה אבידור איתי אלפסי אנדריי בבין אימן ברהם רועי ברניה ליאור ברקו תומר גבירצמן גל גולדשטיין אור גונן שחק גיל ברק גלנץ איתן גרוניך חן דוידוב תום דנה אלדר דפנה תומאס האשם רועי הוכלר תום הרמן מחמד וותד יונתן זיסקינד אדר חדאד סארי …
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Technion CS Researchers Developed Gender-sensitive Word Embeddings for Healthcare
Technion CS Researchers Developed Gender-sensitive Word Embeddings for Healthcare
Monday, January 31, 2022
The Technion January 31, 2022 A new article by Technion CS Researchers, Ph.D. student Shunit Agmon and Dr. Kira Radinsky, in collaboration with Dr. Arik Horowitz of Microsoft Research, presents a specific bias that affects the application of the findings of these studies: Under-representation of women in clinical research ... According to Agmon, "Today we know that different populations respond differently to a given treatment - for example, women may respond differently …
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Prof. Avi Mendelson on the IEEE Team for 2022 Leading Technologies Forecast
Prof. Avi Mendelson on the IEEE Team for 2022 Leading Technologies Forecast
Monday, January 31, 2022
The Technion January 2022 The Computer Science Association of the IEEE - the World Association of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - has published its forecasts for 2022 ... A member of the team that prepares the annual forecast, led by Dr. Dejan Milojicic from HPE, is Professor Prof. Avi Mendelson, a Visiting Professor at the Taub Faculty of Computer Science and the Viterbi Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Technion. Prof. Mendelson is an expert in …
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Best Project Contest 2022
Best Project Contest 2022
Sunday, January 23, 2022
You are invited to take part in the Best Project Contest and to submit an innovative project that you have done in a project course or CS lab. Submission deadline is Monday, February 20, 2022, and the finals will be held within a Project Fair on Wednesday Noon, March 30, 2022. The first places winners will receive pecuniary award courtesy of Amdocs at the Project Fair event. For participation please pre-register. Good luck!
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Online Project Fair in Android and IoT 2021-22
Online Project Fair in Android and IoT 2021-22
Saturday, January 22, 2022
The Online Projects Fair of the Interdisciplinary CS Center for Smart Technologies (ICST), as part of the Android and IoT courses given in the winter semester 2021-22, presents ideas for improving the standard of living and achieving solutions to everyday problems in areas such as community support, with collaboration of the Social Incubator, Migdal Or Association, Shenkar College and Sheba Medical Center, and combined with a classroom at Dror School where students were given …
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Prof. Ron Rothblum Wins the ERC Starting Grant
Prof. Ron Rothblum Wins the ERC Starting Grant
Thursday, January 13, 2022
CS congratulates Prof. Ron Rothblum on receiving The European Research Council (ERC) prestigious grant for his research on Fast Proofs for Verifying Computations, and he is one of a record number of 18 faculty members who have won the prestigious ERC grant. The European Research Council (ERC) grants support worldwide researchers who wish to advance their research, and encourages in particular proposals that cross disciplinary boundaries, pioneering ideas and innovative …
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CS Winners of Jacobs-Gutwirth Scholarships and Certificates of Excellence
CS Winners of Jacobs-Gutwirth Scholarships and Certificates of Excellence
Monday, January 10, 2022
CS congratulates its students - winners of Jacobs-Gutwirth scholarships and certificates of excellence: Ph.D. student Victor Kolobov, supervised by Prof. Yuval Ishai, winner of the Jacobs-Gutwirth Scholarship. Ph.D. student Aviv Rosenberg, supervised by Prof. Alex Bronstein and Yael Aviv, winner of the Jacobs-Gutwirth Scholarship. M.Sc. student Shai Feldman supervised by Prof. Yaniv Romano, winner of the Jacobs-Gottwirth Certificate of Excellence. M.Sc. student Noa …
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Tel Aviv-Yafo Municipality Award to Prof. Michael Elad
Tel Aviv-Yafo Municipality Award to Prof. Michael Elad
Sunday, January 9, 2022
Congratulations to Prof. Michael on winning the Weizmann Prize for Research in the Exact Sciences. The award, on behalf of the Tel Aviv-Yafo Municipality, is awarded for his work in the field of the sparse representation model for signal processing. The Tel Aviv-Yafo Municipality is awarding the Dr. Chaim Weizmann Prize, to mark the 70th anniversary of his birth. The award is intended to encourage and motivate researchers in the exact sciences who live and work in Israel. Well …
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